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Dog crates

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I wouldn't get a new pup and not have a crate ... to me they're as essential as food and toys.


All dogs are different but they usually get used to them within a few days. Feed them in there with the door open at first so they get used to it, then start shutting the door for a very short period of time and slowly increase it. Never let the dog out if it's crying tho, open the door when the dog is quiet and give it lots of praise. The trick is to get them to understand that the crate is a nice place to be - for them, and for you. I like to keep a blanket over the crate as well, makes it private like a little den for them.


Mine use their crates when they want their own space - I have three kids and when I can't supervise everybody I put the dogs in there so there are no accidents. They sleep in them over night and they go into their crates when I'm out. I never leave them in there very long tho, and always make sure they have enough exercise to tire them out. Also use chews in the crate to keep them busy.



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Guest deerhound hunter

i,m useing a crate now for my 6 month old bull x and he treat it like his little room ,but soon he,ll have run of house as we can trust him with the furniture and he is house trained now so ,not a problem for me

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all my dogs live in and this is only possible for me by using a crate for the new pup,mine stay in the cage untill they're about 9mths or untill I'm sure they can be trusted not to chew the furniture and stuff in the kitchen,they look upon the cage as they're little haven and will ask to go in to be fed in a very short while,its always my first bit of advice for anyone I know buying a pup and its cheaper than a divorce,atb,wirralman

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