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Pest Control website

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So i have been working on the site along with a couple of people, had a few people from here

take a look for feedback puposes ( Thank you ).


Thought i would put it out there for people on here to take a look at, if you have a few minutes spare have a look



Constructive critisism always welcome, any ideas? have i missed anything?


Had a look at work the other day and the format looked wrong, how does it look to you?




Regards Gaz

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Guest jt750

looks ok to me ..run a spell checker through the txt before you upload any more ..capabilities not caperbilities....I'm not nit picking but bad spelling doesn't look professional

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Yes ron it is another way of getting shooting permission, let's be fair it's hard for some to get access so we put this together to see if this would help.


One of the lads has an Fac licence he would deal with fox, certainly not air rifles.


As for the moles this is what service a friend does for free in return for shooting permission on a golf coarse.

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Check your spelling! Nothing looks worse than shit grammer and punctuation on a website. :thumbdown:


Plenty farmers dont have good grasp of written english but you should as you are trying to impress farmers/landowners.


For example what is a pnematic air rifle?

Or caperbilities


Not a dig just an observation :thumbs:

Edited by ratattack
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websites are good, but most people searching the internet for pest control, are looking for a service, they want a proffessional to come in, do the job, charge a price and go away, they don't want to offer free shooting permission,


shooting permission does sometimes come, after doing other chargable pest services,wasps/mice/rats etc, once they know your face etc


but do you also think theres lots of farmers out there, trailing the internet :no: I think it's more word of mouth, would think you'd be better off putting some flyers up, adverts in local free paper, shop windows, local pub and knocking on doors


also, your quote on opening/first page


"This method is more humane than other conventional methods such as poison"


if a poison is used correctly, then it is very humaine, what if whilst shooting, a rabbit is shot, which then crawls/bounces down a hole, to die a few hours/days later, is that humaine :hmm:


I dont like the way you want to call your website a pest control website, but then basically slate us proffessional pest controllers off for using in humaine poison :wallbash:

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I was guna do flyers with the website on, not aiming for people to really search! Just more visit the farmer, leave a card and if they are interested they can look us up for more info.


I never meant to offend anyone or small buisness with this it's just another way of trying to get our selfs out there.

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If you are after shooting permission that is one thing. If you are offering professional pest control services free of charge then that is a contradiction. You are NOT professional..........you would need proof of training and need to be full time employed as a pest controller to be able to use the term in it's true sense.

You are offering to do for FREE what rural pest controllers in your area are trying to make a living at which is bad practise in my opinion. Make your mind up what you want to do............BASC insurance will only cover you for sporting activities it does not cover you if you are doing pest control activities that may include payment. Most golf clubs etc would need proof of public liability insurance before allowing you onto their land in a pest control capacity. Sorry to be so negative but you really are doing the genuine rural PROFESSIONAL pest control guys out of a living by offering you services free of charge. Glad your not in my area anyway,





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I bet you are all glad hes not in your area but he is in mine, and yes agric pest control is how i pay my mortgage and feed my kids. Not many farms up here are willing to pay you for clearing rabbits but all the other services you list on your website are chargeable services from myself and other lads in this area.

Dont mind you getting permission but taking the clothes off my back is a whole different matter.


Lets just hope you dont get taken too seriously, how are you going to control a serious mouse infestation with your air rifle?

As to free molecatching your having a laugh, your likley to last 2 minuets before your worked out to be a waste of time and sent on your way.


A bit of thought and consideration would have been the way to go, but hey, such is life. If you dont shit up my back the next man will.


Best of luck :doh:

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It states you are fully insured to undetake any type of pest control im sure you basc insurance would not cover you for trapping moles and controlling mice . As with the other chap who commented this is how i pay my mortgage i have invested thousands of pounds and 3 years of graft to build my business up to a point where i am just starting to turn a profit. The pest control industry is not about sitting in a field with your mates taking pot shots at rabbits, get it wrong and you could end up it the s&%t.


In my opinion you should have a website called rabbithunter.com or something similar leave the moles to mole catchers and pests to pest controllers.


Oh and you can take the image you stole from my site down! www.pestek.co.uk

Edited by d6k
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