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Hi, mate.


It's the distance between the centre of the scope (line of sight) and the centre of the barrel.


Tape measure, ruler, whatever. So long as you're within about a quater of an inch, you'll be fine for chairgun. It's a very good program but it's only a guide.



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get a vernier calipers, of a friend whoever... now measure your barrel directly under the front of the scope.... note the measurment divide by 2


now measure the objective note the measurment and divide by 2


measure the gap between the barrel and the bottom of the objective, and add to the other two measurments..... this is a hairs whisker of but closest and easyiest




hope this helps



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get a vernier calipers, of a friend whoever... now measure your barrel directly under the front of the scope.... note the measurment divide by 2


now measure the objective note the measurment and divide by 2


measure the gap between the barrel and the bottom of the objective, and add to the other two measurments..... this is a hairs whisker of but closest and easyiest




hope this helps




Jesus, if that's the easiest, I'd hate to see it get complicated!!! LOL

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Another way and very similar to the above is:


Measure from the centre of the barrel to the outside of the barrel and make a note of this.


Then measure the from the very centre of your scopes objective lens to the top of the barrel.


Add the two measurements together and you have the height above the centre of the barrel to the centre of objective lens.


Now I have chosen this example because the top of the barrel on 'most' rifles, regardless of whether they are break barrel or not, are flush with the top of the rifles 'receiver' or rifle body, so you can just drop a ruler on the top of the reciver/body/ top of barrel and measure to the centre of the rifle scope.




Edited by markha
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