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Hi all, iv been told that there is an alternative for sa37 that is intended for horses but is actually just as good for dogs as sa37 but much cheaper. My dad told me that he knew a bloke who used it on his raceing greyhounds and swore by it, he gave some to my dad and he used it on his greyhounds and he also had great results with it. The only problem is he cant remember the name of it and has lost contact with the bloke who first got him useing it. Has anyone got an idea what it is?

Thanks David

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whats the point of messing about with an allternitive which is meant for horses when sa37 is only a few quid? jesus knows we spend enough time and effort and even hard cash on our dogs, so why spoil it for a measly couple of quid? Wots it going to cost you,at the most a tenner. S@*t when i go to the pet shop i buy so much each month the cost of this stuff doesnt even stand out. :hmm:

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i used to use SA 37 for a few years but since EN VITAL come out iv'e preferred this,they are quiet similar in content but EN VITAL has more B12,its just a piece of mind knowing that you are trying to give your dog all the essentials which makes them healthier and makes there job easier to take there selected quarry.

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Marco have you a link for EN VITAL ? not seen that


Ime also looking for something like a product called "red cell" its used in race horses as a blood builder anyone know something simalar ?


northolm supplies have vertex 4lb tub £30 at the moment bargain :good:

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Marco have you a link for EN VITAL ? not seen that


Ime also looking for something like a product called "red cell" its used in race horses as a blood builder anyone know something simalar ?


northolm supplies have vertex 4lb tub £30 at the moment bargain :good:

i haven't mate i get it from a greyhound supplier from bp auckland,are you local?

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Marco have you a link for EN VITAL ? not seen that


Ime also looking for something like a product called "red cell" its used in race horses as a blood builder anyone know something simalar ?


northolm supplies have vertex 4lb tub £30 at the moment bargain :good:




Dont know if it's the stuff you mean mate but try visiting :-




Look in the section dietry suppliments section

at a product called canine propell


As I said not sure if its the right stuff for you just remember seeing it as I was searching about the other day :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

try looking at Northolm supplies at "FERAMO"

has all the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed for running dogs and works out cheaper than sa37 at £45 for 3 kilos. and at 2-4g per serving it will last you for ages,

also, it comes as a powder so you can mix it with their food easily ;)

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Hi all, iv been told that there is an alternative for sa37 that is intended for horses but is actually just as good for dogs as sa37 but much cheaper. My dad told me that he knew a bloke who used it on his raceing greyhounds and swore by it, he gave some to my dad and he used it on his greyhounds and he also had great results with it. The only problem is he cant remember the name of it and has lost contact with the bloke who first got him useing it. Has anyone got an idea what it is?

Thanks David

Are you looking to improve performace or genaral supplement..??

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