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When will the Home Office get round to upgrading the old fashion paper certificate.


A driver's license style ID would be more practical with a paper counterpart for recording ammunition purchases.


For what they cost to produce; when a variation goes in, the Firearms Licensing office can destroy the old and produce a new card.


It would last for longer, be better in the field and could even be displayed if necessary in a ski lift pass holder on your arm (if required).


What with all the modern technology, you would have thought they would have got something in the pipeline?

Edited by Urban Fox Control London
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The current system of paper certs is a massive and totally unwarranted security compromise. The current cert has your name and address on it aloing with all the guns you possess and even has a picture of you on it. To cap all of this it's even sent out in a window envelope which allows anyone to see the words "Firearm/Shotgun Certificate" on the actual cert.


Given the state of modern technology, I see no reason why an FAC can't simply be a plastic card with nothing on it at all. Dealers could have swipe machines for reading the cards data and acquisitions and dispositions of guns and ammo could be notified anutomatically to the cops as soon as you get them. This would pose a few problems for private sales but given that every firearm is now on the national licensing database surely there could be an automated system you could phone to do the transfer. Given that there are actually very few private sales you could just phone the licensing department and do it with a real person.

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