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Me mates,mates getting a Beddy X Border pup

The parents are only worked on rabbits and thats all he wants it for aswell

Ive never come across this cross before and was wondering if anyone works this cross

Also has anyone got pictures of this cross


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she was bought for my sister as a pet from the rescue centre, but she came out with me and she would chase & catch the odd rabbit (infact she caught her last one at the age of 12) she will kill anything smaller then herself from rabbits,ducks to a neigbours cat. I will get my sister to bring camara down and post some pics of her. she stands about 19" dont know her weight.

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Hi, my dad had a bedlington x border during the 80s - 90s. If my memory serves me well, it was an accidental mating. It was a bit too big for going to ground but he used it as a drawing dog (is that the right word? sorry, I'm not a terrierman). It was a very intelligent dog and a real character. It once worked out how to open the bolt on one of the dog sheds in order to get inside to mate an-in season lurcher.


He tried to recreate him by breeding a litter of first crosses but none of them had the same stamp as him.

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Here one courtesy of Blew from the Working Bedlington site - and a worker below ground by all accounts.<br>I much prefer Beddy x Lakeland - leaving less to chance.<br>32.jpg<br>



Like the look of that

Anyone else working this cross


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