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hi buddy


just got one about a month ago,its the best rifle i have ever brought,full power 11.5,accracy perfect im knocking bunnys down at 25-35 yards,i found air arm feild pellets work well,if you are thinking of getting one go for the hawke 3-9-50 scopes they work really good,the rifles not to heavy,silencer works well.


all the best stevo

Edited by hunter1989
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Hit there,

Accuracy, the gun will outshoot the shooter any day of the week :yes:


Killing range same as any other non FAC, 25 to 35 yards for your average airgunner, more for an airgun marksman.


Don't go for more though; until you have become one with the gun and it becomes an extension of your 'self'



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I can suggest a couple of the very best 'All-Rounders' for you.


These are:


Air Arms Fields in either 5.50, 5.51 or 5.52 mm (that tiny fraction of a mm can actually make a difference)


FX Pellets in 5.52mm


Most guns seem to get on well with these pellets :yes:


Ones I can reccomend that you stay clear of are:


Milbro Caledonions and Marksman pointed as well as the plastic bodied alloy nose and core jobs.



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