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Kill a grey Squirrel and get fined £1500

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The fine is rather disproportionate to the crime in my opinion !:hmm:


Look at all the crime neds commit and they get jackshit when it comes to fines. :wallbash:


The guy should of either been more discreet or found a more humane way of dispatch. Nevertheless I don't see the RSPCA moaning about rat poison that induces a very painful death....... both rats and grey squirrels are classed as pest species (albeit rats do carry disease):hmm:.



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Who ever grassed him up needs a good leathering!   Fine a man £1500 condemn him as a criminal by giving him a criminal record for the sake of getting rid of Grey Squirrel! This country is pathetic!

This mans crime is he was born at the wrong time,he,like me, comes from a time when people were no.t so sentimental, everything went in the bucket ,pups ,kittens,rats ,mice,we also hung murderers, and

or let it out of the trap and if the terrier was to get it Oh what a shame!!

  On 21/07/2010 at 16:51, dave1372 said:

The fine is rather disproportionate to the crime in my opinion !:hmm:


Look at all the crime neds commit and they get jackshit when it comes to fines. :wallbash:


The guy should of either been more discreet or found a more humane way of dispatch. Nevertheless I don't see the RSPCA moaning about rat poison that induces a very painful death....... both rats and grey squirrels are classed as pest species (albeit rats do carry disease):hmm:.


The difference is that rats dont have the 'AWW' factor or the fluffy tail that the public like so it doesnot matter that poison gives a slow suffering death to rats or the unseen slowsuffering to fluffy bunnies when warrens are gassed. The grey squirrel is just a tree rat in my opinion perhaps we should scrap our traps and just shoot them out of the trees with our shotguns and where they cannot be shot we should allow the council to control them just to see what they do with them when trapped and see if they get fined,the law always seems to go after the easy target and that is a fact.....

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He was out of order drowning it. Smack on the skull with a big stick no problem. Legally accepted as a method of humane dispatch. He was also daft getting sussed by the antis.



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  On 21/07/2010 at 18:02, RicW said:

He was out of order drowning it. Smack on the skull with a big stick no problem. Legally accepted as a method of humane dispatch. He was also daft getting sussed by the antis.



How can you smack it on the head inside a cage trap :whistling:

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  On 21/07/2010 at 19:45, Sexy_Shot said:

More a fool for letting the neighbors seeing what he is doing with it

Yes thats the true fact of the matter. If the twat took it out of sight first he could have dispatched it in whatever way he deemed appropriate. Very silly to let people see what you are up too. :yes:

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  On 21/07/2010 at 21:31, fence_hopper said:

so what who gives a fuk its dead no matter what method he used, what a sad b@sterd world we live in, i'd of stamped all over the b@terd vermin thing.

You must have plenty money then..... :wallbash:. Shot plenty of the wee fuckers myself but if your going to kill 'anything' then try not to put in the public view, not everyone shares our views.

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does anyone know the bloke? go buy him a cheap air rifle..........quick effective, humane and discreet.


shouldn't be using live capture traps unless you have a suitable gun to shoot it with. would a 9mm shotgun be useful for such?


That said it was a very heavy fine , but is also an awful death


all true hunters should respect all their quarry and deal with it as quickly as possible to hunamely despatch it....whatever that animal is

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An other feather in the cap of the headline grabbing RSPCA.Ten years back this waste of money would have never have seen the inside of a court room.Its just a sign of the times we live in today.Every P.C tree hugging anti will do there best to bring us down.So watch what you do and where you do it. :victory:



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  On 21/07/2010 at 19:32, akton said:
  On 21/07/2010 at 18:02, RicW said:

He was out of order drowning it. Smack on the skull with a big stick no problem. Legally accepted as a method of humane dispatch. He was also daft getting sussed by the antis.



How can you smack it on the head inside a cage trap :whistling:


Fair Q. Kevlar reinforced motor bike gauntlet does wonders for the self-confidence tho!

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Blow,s my mind how some people can be so nieve.This was a test case for the rspca and they won.Read between the lines.Next time some of you lad have a shot and dont get a clean kill. :whistling:Can any one tell me.How the f**k do you chase a squirrel into a sack


Edited by Catcher 1
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The man must be a fool. I have dispatched numerous live catches. Always a pellet in the back of the head. Instant kill. No problem. It would also only be an idiot who would try and put a hand into a cage with any live vermin.

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