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Wiltshire Rabbit Control Misleading?

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Plagiarism on the web etc is a right royal pain in the ass and very difficult and expensive to get fixed, I know as I to have had it happen, and by the previous company director of al people on a website for his new company!!!


Basically you need to contact this person direct, as you have done by email and also phone him up and speak to him, voicing your concerns and ask that he removes any images that he is using without the owner permission or puts a credit to the photo with the owners name etc.


If you have no joy with that then you need to send by registered post a 'cease and desist' letter from your solicitor.


Revenge - Trading standards also take a very dim view of this sort of thing and you only have to ring them up and complain once and they will be straight on the ball, as will the Inland Revenue, especially if they think its a little sideline business that he is not declaring, the Inland Revenue have an 'anon' form that you can fill out to grass him up!


It is an expensive process in stopping use of images taken from the web, the only real way is to make sure you watermark any images that you put anywhere on the internet, that way if they do get used atleast you names is splashed across them :)


At the end of the day its your call, but dont waste too long getting worked up about it, just get even.


Just another thought; Use of Brand Logos without the owners permission is also an offence, so contact Browning, Beretta etc and ask if they have any associations with the company as they are listed as being a sponsored link even though the links dont work as I dont think they would be too happy either ;)

Edited by markha
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If a man is unprofessional enough to use other peoples photos on his website and mis spell so much of what he has written and not get it checked, then i would think of him as professional enough to go wandering about my land with a gun. He's just another bloke who wants paying for what most of us do for free. Tit.

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Im from central Wiltshire and know a fair few people but no-one yet seems to have heard of this fella .Possibly an off shoot of the know defunct' Marlborough downs rabbit clearance society '.This dosnt mean hes in anyway useless but it does say to me that hes a chancer in the business and probably wont last long .Not one to stir as you know, but does anyone else recognise any of the pics?.Ive e-mailed him for prices but no response yet :whistling:

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Im from central Wiltshire and know a fair few people but no-one yet seems to have heard of this fella .Possibly an off shoot of the know defunct' Marlborough downs rabbit clearance society '.This dosnt mean hes in anyway useless but it does say to me that hes a chancer in the business and probably wont last long .Not one to stir as you know, but does anyone else recognise any of the pics?.Ive e-mailed him for prices but no response yet :whistling:

I have left two messages on the feedback section ,neither have been replied to ,nor have they been put on view. :thumbdown:

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Lost the link. Could someone check and see if the SCATS link is still on his link section? I might have had a word with them, pointing out how crap his site is, and how he's not very professional, and has stolen images. :whistling:

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thats well out of order Inan, Ive left a question in their feedback section, doubt it will get answered or publishsized on their website, theres not many people out there that know that gutting technique is there :thumbdown:





he has replied to your feedback,It is a smart site shame about using googled images :thumbdown:



link, as above

and yes, scats still there

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I have been out tonight doing a spot of pest control with Magwitch, no doubt he will post pics tomorrow.

Whilst driving home he mentioned that he had come across a site named

"Wiltshire Rabbit Control", and ,that prominently featured on its home page , was a photo of a group of dead rabbits in the back of a car,accompanied with the caption

"Our favourite method of rabbit control is to use a high powered air rifle over a period of time".

The inference being that this was the method employed in taking these rabbits ,and that they were shot by MR Paul Finnerty,the owner of the web site


I should like to point out that none of the rabbits in the picture were shot with a "highpowered air rifle ,nor were they shot by the owner of Wiltshire Rabbit Control MR Paul Finnerty[/u].They were shot with Magwitch's .22 rimfire Anshutz,and the car they are in is mine.

To my knowledge neither Magwich or myself has ever met Mr Finnerty,and we both find his unauthorised use of our photos to promote his own web site, and business ,to be mis- leading and unethical .I presume Mr Finnerty uses this web site, perhaps some members might know what username he goes by?

I see no difference in what he has done than in someone taking a photo off here ,say for example a dog standing with a load of rabbits in front of it ,and saying "we find using dogs to be an effective way of controlling rabbits".

Wouldn't the viewer assume that the dog shown belonged to the person who showed the photo?

I would be grateful if anyone can share anymore info on on Mr Finnerty.Thanks.Inan.



of all the pictures all over the internet, he picked yours to hype up his shooting business, tell him you want a CUT :boogie::boogie::boogie:

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Im from central Wiltshire and know a fair few people but no-one yet seems to have heard of this fella .Possibly an off shoot of the know defunct' Marlborough downs rabbit clearance society '.This dosnt mean hes in anyway useless but it does say to me that hes a chancer in the business and probably wont last long .Not one to stir as you know, but does anyone else recognise any of the pics?.Ive e-mailed him for prices but no response yet :whistling:

I have left two messages on the feedback section ,neither have been replied to ,nor have they been put on view. :thumbdown:

I did TOOOOOO !!!

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