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can you get jabs from Ireland??

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I've heard through the grape vine you can buy jabs over the counter in the emerald isle, do any of you guys know if there's any truth in that or is it just a fable??


I don't begrudge paying a vet for something I'm not sure about but find it a rip-off having to pay for a consultation and then over the odds for meds that you can buy for a fraction of the price.


Thanks in advance.

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Yes they can be got but lets keep that a secret because the fact is that a chemist is not allowed sell them unless the buyer has a prescription from their vet. FACT.

Vets over here have got that greedy that if you do decide to inject your pups BY LAW they still have to get their cut.

I've dealt with the same chemist for a long time. Last time I went for jabs they asked me for my prescription. I went to a chemist 4 doors away asked again and got them.

IMO vets have got that greedy that it's the animals that will suffer because of expense.

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