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Hi lads and ladies would like to know from those who carry dog first aid kits what do you use to make up your kits and any examples when you had to use it minor or major injuries and any examples of injuries that might be a bit out of the blue like maybe a kick or bite from a horse or a cow,ram,deer or bull that took you by surprised.

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Would not recomend putting any info about dog injuries.of any type on a forum. Failure to seek vet treatment is what they screw you for if all else fails.


Maybe I'm just paranoid



but surly u would want to treat an injury in the field until u was able to get to the vets or maybe its just me not wanting to watch my dog bleed to death :hmm: because i was worried about what someone might say. and i was asking about other injuries other than a broken toe or barbed wire injury because i know of a few stories from mates that there dog was attacked by a ram and another one when a dog got caught out and nearly crushed by cows and before someone says are they stock broken yes they are but was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and totally unprovoked. why when anyone asks a fecking fair question on here people jump on there high horse :hmm: . and no im not a fecking anti before that sh*t starts trying to catch anyone out, been ferreting for a few years and not long got my first lurcher and this will be his first year in the field with him HUNTING RABBITS so was looking to get some advise on putting a first aid kit together and any advise how they dealt with the injury because they gave a feck about there hunting partner. dont know why anyone bothers asking a question on here sometimes................. :doh::(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would not recomend putting any info about dog injuries.of any type on a forum. Failure to seek vet treatment is what they screw you for if all else fails.


Maybe I'm just paranoid





Nae bother. Post whatever the f**k you want. Just like all the other plebs on here.

Ill do my own thing and feck waht everyone else does.


Some folk aint worth helping.





i agree with ftb you really need to watch what you say on the forum now to many antis watching :thumbs:

just use your head ........................ :blink:

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Saxonmaster, dont take offence to the manner of replies on an open forum such as this, as some countrys are more worried about the law than the treatment of a dog.. Try search the net so see what other countrys use for treating their dogs in the field, u may get more success than asking some lads on here who have never treated anymore than a rat bite or a thorned pad..

..... Pa

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im new to this but always carry a first aid kit when off beaten track,its got the same gear for me and dog not 2 seperate kits, being pretty good at first aid having done my fair share i think its the basics you need.

i carry


medical tape

compression bandage


small wire cutters

old razor


my thinking is that its blood loss gonna kill me or dog, so tape and bandage, also for imobilising a broken limb. wire cutters for barbed wire etc( before someone says its for cutting off the dog not trashing fences, its amazing how much lying about)razor to remove fur to stop a bleed.tweezers for thorns etc.


basic but it could save a life or a lot of suffering......


hope this helps?


obviously ....... if the dog is hurt it goes to the vets..........

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