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Stopping Smoking

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If are serious about stopping, you just will. I totally agree with Simon, it is down to willpower. I packed in about thirty five years ago, no weaning myself off them, there were no patches, chewing gum?, I wanted to hold on to my teeth for as long as possible, so I just stopped after I saw what I coughed up every morning :icon_eek: , I found that I was eating more, but that was just a comfort thing and soon stopped.


The benefits, well I'll list them for you:-

Best time for the marathon......2hrs 48mins

1/2 marathon........77mins

10 mies in just under 57mins

10 kilometers in just over 33mins

5 miles in just over 27 mins

5 kilometers in 16 mins flat

1 mile in 4 mins 52 secs

I've run at County and National level and when I was 45, I ran in the World Cross Country Champs for old buggers and finished 54th out of thousands.

On a bike, there were two standards, I aimed for "evens" for 1 hour and 1/2 hour. This meant 20 miles in an hour and ten in a half hour. I used to do ten in just over 27 mins.


The point I am trying to make is this, when I smoked, I could barely run a bath, let alone a mile!!! If you want to give up friend, you will.............Al :thumbs-up:


Well done Al,


After quitting smoking I


Went from 11 stone to 17 in 6 years :cry:

Used to cycle 200 miles a week...not been on a bike for 4 years :cry:

Used to weightlift.....now lift doughnuts :cry:

On the good side i'll probably now die of heart disease rather than lung cancer :blink:

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If are serious about stopping, you just will. I totally agree with Simon, it is down to willpower. I packed in about thirty five years ago, no weaning myself off them, there were no patches, chewing gum?, I wanted to hold on to my teeth for as long as possible, so I just stopped after I saw what I coughed up every morning :icon_eek: , I found that I was eating more, but that was just a comfort thing and soon stopped.


The benefits, well I'll list them for you:-

Best time for the marathon......2hrs 48mins

1/2 marathon........77mins

10 mies in just under 57mins

10 kilometers in just over 33mins

5 miles in just over 27 mins

5 kilometers in 16 mins flat

1 mile in 4 mins 52 secs

I've run at County and National level and when I was 45, I ran in the World Cross Country Champs for old buggers and finished 54th out of thousands.

On a bike, there were two standards, I aimed for "evens" for 1 hour and 1/2 hour. This meant 20 miles in an hour and ten in a half hour. I used to do ten in just over 27 mins.


The point I am trying to make is this, when I smoked, I could barely run a bath, let alone a mile!!! If you want to give up friend, you will.............Al :thumbs-up:


Well done Al,


After quitting smoking I


Went from 11 stone to 17 in 6 years :cry:

Used to cycle 200 miles a week...not been on a bike for 4 years :cry:

Used to weightlift.....now lift doughnuts :cry:

On the good side i'll probably now die of heart disease rather than lung cancer :blink:

Oh My God!! Im a bit overweight to start with!! Looks like a diet for new years resolution then :icon_eek: Thanks for the warning Simoman. Thats a good point, anyone got any planned new years resolutions yet? I have sh*t loads already :cry:

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Guest A Sick Old Man

This is weird, me and the Missus stopped this morning. And I have a browse on the site and there is a


NO SMOKING thread :blink:


I will be using the will power method as it worked the last fifty times :clapper:


I must seriously stop this time, I had to go into hospital on Monday and listened to someone desperately trying to breath :cry: She was on oxygen but had emphyzema and was in a real bad way. Stuff that I do not want to end up like that, so I am determined to just be an old man, stuff the sick bit :D



Just hang in there all you who are having a go, we were not born with a fag in our gob's


Sick :sick:

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How/s it going jultalor, I/v still not had one it will be 4 weeks friday, hope your still off them.Stan :yahoo:

4 weeks?!! Thats brilliant! :clapper: Im still off them and its 48 hours now so I'm getting there (I think) If I manage to get to 4 weeks without one I think I'll have cracked it!! Im on the highest strength patches and Im coping ok to be honest, its just getting out of the habit thats hard. I feel great too! Mind you, Im eating everything in sight :cry:


This is weird, me and the Missus stopped this morning. And I have a browse on the site and there is a


NO SMOKING thread :blink:


I will be using the will power method as it worked the last fifty times :clapper:


I must seriously stop this time, I had to go into hospital on Monday and listened to someone desperately trying to breath :cry: She was on oxygen but had emphyzema and was in a real bad way. Stuff that I do not want to end up like that, so I am determined to just be an old man, stuff the sick bit :D



Just hang in there all you who are having a go, we were not born with a fag in our gob's


Sick :sick:

I tried in the past with will power alone and I lasted 2 hours!! Ive never managed two days before and I honestly think its because ive got 24 hour patches. Got 2 weeks supply from the Doc's (Just the price of a prescription). Having said that, after 48 hours any nicotene is out of your body and apparently, going 'Cold Turkey' is the hardest but best way of stopping? I HAD to stop as Ive got signs of hardening of the arteries!! :icon_eek: and Im only 34!! Good luck anyway. Keep us posted as to how your getting on.

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hi jultaylor i am rews dad .been reading your thread and i am the same age as you .i started smoking in 1986 and i have been packed in for 15 months.what surprised me the most is how easy it was to stop .no patchers or gum just being around my family and wanting to grow old with them.if you want to pack in you will keep it up mate and good luck.



good hunting


rew senior

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My wife stopped smoking 6years ago she was on zyaban , never had a drag of a fag since



That can be naughty stuff, brother in law went effin loopy off it :blink:


Good old will power for me, I truly think if you REALLY WANT to stop it can be relatively easy :D

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stick with it, one day at a time. I used to say to my self i've got this far lets see if i can do another day, that was 9-1/2 years ago its worth in the end :victory:


stick with it, one day at a time. I used to say to my self i've got this far lets see if i can do another day, that was 9-1/2 years ago its worth in the end :victory:

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For the last year I have tried unsuccessfully :( . Ive tried patches, chewing gum, you name it Ive tried! Has anyone tried hypnotism? I'm thinking of trying that and was wondering how good it is?


My pal tried hypnotism and it worked for more than a year. She gave him the thought that a cig was a banana. ( he hates them they make him sick!) :11:


Also i stopped nearly two weeks ago after 18 years smoking, its the first time i've said i'm going to stop and the first time i've tried!


My secret?

Willpower! :11: :11:

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