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My pup (4months), is getting various sized yellow spots on her underside, which appear then go. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs, if so what are they, should i be concerened and how can they be treated.




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My pup (4months), is getting various sized yellow spots on her underside, which appear then go. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs, if so what are they, should i be concerened and how can they be treated.




is it wee puss filled blisters

Edited by bendrover
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Guest chook

Its normal for yougsters - its a type of acne,

just keep the area clean, and leave alone, they will go of there own accord

some do apply sudocrem and it does help a little, but 90% of the time the spots will

go on there own.

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If it is the little puss filled blisters on his belly and inside legs, its very common in pups. Mine all got it as pups and i have always put it down to their skin being sensitive to nettles/stings/thistles, its never caused them a problem and they seem to grow out of it fairly quickly, again presumably as their skin hardens and they get used to it?? Be interesting to know what the actual cause is though!

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My Deerhound had them was caused by a skin infection course of antibiotics cleared it up, vet said it was very common in pups though none of my others have ever had it. None of the other ever messed in their beds and lay in it.

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I've never used antibiotics to clear these pus filled spots up. Yes, it is caused by a bit of a bacterial infection, but as long as the pup is healthy and well fed its own immune system will clear them up. I've often found that they're caused, as Hannah said, by contact with thistles etc. But any bits of dirt getting into the skin can cause them. The immune system in pups doesn't develop fully until after the pup has been weaned as until then it is being protected by the maternal antibodies. Once those antibodies go the pup needs to build up its own immunity. Vaccination stimulates the immune system too. I like my pups to play in the garden, get dirty, be around my other dogs, and as soon as they have their first vaccination I take them down to the local park: I live in a low risk area as far as Parvo and Distemper are concerned. All this exposes the pup to potential infection: obviously I wouldn't let them near serious risk of disease at this stage, such as rat infested places or sick dogs.


Re the pus filled spots: dab a bit of surgical spirit on them if they are oozing a lot, but don't overdo this. They'll dry up on their own.

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thanks for all the replies, she has a very clean kennel and bed. she does run through nettles etc daily so whether it has something to do with them, or it is normal. hopefully they will clear she is in no distress or anything, so hopefully itll just take time.


thanks again


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