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Last few hours of daylight

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Afternoon all,


Going to make this a quick one as I did half of the writeup then accidently changed page! :censored: :censored:



I had the 95k back in my arms and arrived at the permission at 20.30. Between then and 22.15pm the permission seems to come alive a bit more.


I made my way to this ridge as over the stingers is a ncie bunny spot I have noticed spring up this summer, I intended to stalk upto the ridge and take out anything that was already out, and if not then go left and got static waiting for them to come out. Nothing was there so I thought time to go static but first check right round the top of the area.




I spotted 2 bunnys down this route and quietly and unseen hit the deck, got a line of fire and fired my first shot.




Made a bit of a blunder and hit the bunny too far forward on the head, one of the shots you want to avoid most of all, luckily the bunny was so shocked it had only moved a meter before the 2nd AA field knocked it down dead only 5 seconds after the first one injured it.




I spent about 30 minutes static in a busy area and amazingly nothing appeared. The clock was ticking in my head as it wa sgetting darker so I moved on taking a smallish bunny not long later at fairly close range.



Not long later I moved down a favourite hedgeline, wweaving in and out looking on both sides of it. I had spotted a nice looking bunny about 25 meters out from the ehdge, laying quite low, so I did the usual approach, go on the opposite side of the hedge until within shootign distance and utilise one of the gaps as close as possible and crawl out and take the shot.


This one I thought was a large bunny, estimated at 30 meters I gave 3/4's a mildot hold over and let the shot go, the bunny rolled over without a kick.

Very happy with that!


I paced out the bunny to find it a bti smaller than it thought and was 35 meters rather than 30. Its size made me wrongly esitmate the range with nothing other than grass to compare it to.

The bunny was bleeding from thge ears and the shot entry and exit was not evident, likeely the base of skull/top of neck.


Shot was taken from here.



The bunny!




So all in all I got three bunnys, not the best night ever but stil great to get out!


Cant wait till next time!!





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Hiya Jack.


Nice post and pictures mate :thumbs:


Glad to see you have your 95K back at last, how is he after the tune?

What did you have done to her?


You have some nice ground there mate, interesting.


Excellent shooting buddy......have a slut :thumbs:




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