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1st lamping test

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I got the above unit from evil bay, but its not got a quick detach system of mounting it to the sight, its the allen key type mount, anyone have any ideas on a fixing bracket I maybe able to use so I can take off/on with ease,

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if you can get hold of a scope ring with a thumb wheel for tightning rather than an allen key, so you can attach and detach it without tools.


thats what ive done with my night searcher.......if you are struggling to find one send me a pm......i have a spare one somwhere....depending on the size of your scope tube. ;)





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trouble is, the mount thats on the lamp already, attacthes to the lamp via grooves, I think Ill just have to take a set of allen keys along and fiddle with it in the motor


The one I have here uses a standard scope mount, the groves on the lamp are standard 11mm dovetails. What I did was to mount a scope riser block on the lamp, and that attaches to an upside down scope mount on the rifle. The reason I did that was that the dovetails on the riser block were slightly bigger than that on the lamp.



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update; maybe I should change my username to BODGITT & LEGITT :icon_redface:


found an old blown tracer max in the garage, the type with the plastic moulded mount attatched, so a few minutes fettling with the trusty dremmel and Id made basically, a cup holder :laugh:

added a strip of foam rubber and a plastic tie, and come up with this, alot less hassel than the allen keys, simply pushes on for a snug fit, of course until I try it out, I wont know how well it points the beam, but we can always go back to the drawing board if its no good, then I'll be onto sean, pleading for some thumb screws :thumbs:


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  • 2 weeks later...

well, had my first lamping session last night on one of my permissions, have been many times in the past with magwitch in my vitara on the orchards, but this one was walking :( christ you notice the difference, anyhow took my missus along as an extra spotter, its funny how land owners always quote bunnies in three figures (100's of um) yet we probably only spotted 8 all night, and only got two of those :( but it was still an enjoyable night, it tested out the clamp I had made for the lamp, excellent results :thumbs: reaching out to around 120yds, the full length of the field, although think I'll need to get a red filter, the two I shot were both 60yd'ers and was well happy with the rifle/scope, followed the advice from someone of here and zero'd at 55yds, it then gives a nearly flat trejectory to around 60yds, so I was'ent too worried about judging distances, a common mistake I made, and Ive done before with magwitch, is picking up reflection from the many insects, and thinking its "rabbit eyes" :doh:


theres a trampoline in this field, so my missus sat on that, using the mono nightvison (£99 from LIDL) as she spotted a rabbit, she'd then put the torch beam on it, as I was sitting a few yards away, to point me in the right direction


was using eley subs, just to use them up as I prefer winchester, but even so, was happy with eley, so dont think theres alot between the two


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it was only after packing up the rifle and ammo, that I found a little pocket of garden with more rabbits in, so I'll know for next time, and also the owner, telling us that there is a way of getting a motor in the field

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