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getting into stalking

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hi guys

i want to get into stalking but am unsure on the best way to do it

i dont have firearms certificte yet but will be applying soon mabye i should go for 17 or 22 while i get expirence then apply for 243 later


i understand that i need land to stalk but i dont think that i will get 243 on first applaction with out this i cant get land to stalk unless i go for paid days to get practice wich goes without saying i need the expirence before i go out on my own

what advice would you give to get me started and is there eny other way i can get invovled ie clubs or organisations obvisouly i want to know as much about it as possiple as i want to be 100% positve im up to the job before i go culling eny deer

many thanks


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Were are you from BB and if you go for paid days you will get experience and can use estate rifles most times you will get a chance to use differnt calibres eg .243 6.5 308 and so on this will let you gain knowledge on what gun suits you and why. When you are out before an after stalking ask as many questions as you can while stalking keep your mouth shut and learn. PS Badger Boy as a name suggests your a bit young for taking up deer stalking just yet. :icon_eek:

Edited by wireviz
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Guest busterdog

You could get experiance from buying a day's stalking with a professional stalker, theres plenty on here and some very good ones. You don't have to have the permision on your own land, just the proof of booked up stalking with the professional. A .243 is not exclusive to deer, it's good for fox to, another thing you'll nead is thick skin and good hard pads on your knees for all the grovelling you'll have to do....:laugh: .Good luck and hope all goes well.

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  On 18/07/2010 at 08:17, wireviz said:

Were are you from BB and if you go for paid days you will get experience and can use estate rifles most times you will get a chance to use differnt calibres eg .243 6.5 308 and so on this will let you gain knowledge on what gun suits you and why. When you are out before an after stalking ask as many questions as you can while stalking keep your mouth shut and learn. PS Badger Boy as a name suggests your a big young for taking up deer stalking just yet. :icon_eek:

hi mate im in hertfordshire

my youngster chose the name im 32 :11: :icon_redface:

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Cheapest method is to find a local mentor.

Failing that try a few guides all are different in methods, land, species etc.

This can be an expensive route so stick to culls and grass more beasts for your £'s.

Another route could be go beating somewhwere and get to know the keeper and help on work days you may get asked to help shoot a deer or 2 if you drop enough hints.

If you genuinely want to learn as much as you can about deer go and do a dsc1 course it WILL help your rifle application along.

regards john.

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