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how many hours should you not feed them before a nights lamping,was wondering what would be the best time and also what is the reasons for not running a bitch when shes in season i would just like to no the facts thanks :icon_redface:

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how many hours should you not feed them before a nights lamping,was wondering what would be the best time and also what is the reasons for not running a bitch when shes in season i would just like to no the facts thanks :icon_redface:

if your going to be doing a nights lamping the last lot of food and only a small meal should be about 6 hours before you lamp or you run the risk of twisting the dogs guts..when a bitch is in season she has a lair of fat around her heart plus all her insides are like a womans abit tender etc

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how many hours should you not feed them before a nights lamping,was wondering what would be the best time and also what is the reasons for not running a bitch when shes in season i would just like to no the facts thanks :icon_redface:



I usually feed my dogs as normal in morning. And then give them there evening meal with a little bit extra in when i get back from lamping that night.:thumbs:

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bigger the dog longer the time espesialy these deerhound types if a dog is in good condition and fit night before shud be fine :thumbs:

I agree, just feed when your back from lamping, if they are fit enough they will be fine. I never feed mine before any work, theres just no need, no point risking your dogs life having guts full of food.

Dogs run better with an empty gut, no huntsman would ever dream of feeding a pack of hounds before a hunt, and most tend to feed in the morning the day before the hunt, so they get near 24 hours to empty out.... you dont see hounds packing in half way through the day with lack of energy do you!


take care



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Roughly 6 hours before is how i do it...but only a handfull...just puts a wee bit of reserves in there if its going to be a long night...as for running bitches in season i have and will still continue to run them as normal...being in season is not an illness..far from it..it usually means the bitch is in peak of health...atb stabba

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Always feed my dog a small bit about 5 hours before lamping and a big feed when they get back.All this dont feed your dogs about 24 hours before running them on empty stomachs imoa is a joke a dog needs fuel 2 burn off on a nights lamping on hard nights lamping a dog can lose lot off weight but with a bit off food few hours before they wont lose so much and your dog will be alot healthier on the way home that night as l said imoa :thumbs:

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i feed mine in the morning if i am going lamping at night but its only a small amount of high protein dry,i run bitches in season always have just make sure if any one is with you they dont bring a dog as it takes the dogs mind of the job

regards hedz

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thanks for the advice lads.24 hours does seem very long time with out food.I have heard that your not supose to run them in season i wouldnt want my bitch getting hurt see.

I always just feed the night before especialy if there on a meat diet as it takes alot longer to work through them and have never run a bitch in season for the layer of fat reasons. dogs in the wild will only hunt when there hungry if they have food in there bellies they dont need to. they would hunt when there guts were empty

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Guest it's all my land after 12

how many hours should you not feed them before a nights lamping,was wondering what would be the best time and also what is the reasons for not running a bitch when shes in season i would just like to no the facts thanks :icon_redface:


our lurchers are all fed late evening after half ten, the reason being if the wind picks up and we decide we fancy


a run out theres no worries regards the dogs running with too much food in it's stomach, when we have pre-planned a


night's lamping (midnight till dawn normally) we ensure the dogs have a feed about 4 o'clock in the afternoon this


normally consists of pasta or weetabix with either electrolytes,fructose, glucose or B12 liquid (cytacon) added to


help them cope with the nights workload, they then get their normal feed when we get home in the morning. suits ours.

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