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kit keeps trying to eat me pmsl HELP

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Ow my god mate same situation and exact same ferrets i mean the young albino gill

was a bit of a pain for the first day or 2 now shes sound dont mind being picked

up she will put her mouth round ur finger but will not bite but the young hob is

pure evil same ages complete diffrent ferret i got more holes in my hand then a

siv no joke and to top it off he is getting harder but if u handel them every day

they get better and better and eventually stop all the best mate . :thumbs:

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I find blowing in their faces works quite well as a disciplinary measure. They hate it for some reason, and you don't run the risk of injuring them. I've only ever had to stop ferrets nipping rather than full on biting though, but it might be worth a try.

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strangely enough it does work, i did it to my adult hob when he had a hold of my thumb +

wouldnt let go one time, he hasnt bit me since;- hubby thought the dogs had got a hold of the ferret by the screech he made.

had to use a lot of mouthwash to get rid of the taste- yuk

:sick: :thumbdown:
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strangely enough it does work, i did it to my adult hob when he had a hold of my thumb +

wouldnt let go one time, he hasnt bit me since;- hubby thought the dogs had got a hold of the ferret by the screech he made.

had to use a lot of mouthwash to get rid of the taste- yuk

:sick: :thumbdown:


this was an adult hob. he was with me as his former owner couldnt handle him;- no-one could.

he would come out of his hutch mouth open running straight at you, never seen one so wild and aggressive, he bit me many many times on many occasions, tryed everything to tame him, considered having him pts on many occasions. was moving him from his hutch to a ferret box in order to clean him out and he managed to get a grip on the joint of my thumb, as i was holding him with my other hand and the door to the shed i was in was shut i was stuck there alone with a ferret whose canine was in the joint of my thumb, i was left with 2 choices; bite him in the scruff of the neck or leave him hanging on my thumb in a dark shed, the ferret had no intention of letting go. you dont always think straight when you are in pain.

me + him have got on ok ever since. one of the best workers ive ever had now.

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