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kit keeps trying to eat me pmsl HELP

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Are they in a hutch & run set up ..or do they have a hutch & you bring them out to play ?


in hutch 4 now bring em out to play :)


may explain the nipping then.. what i would do is let them run off all that energy for a good half hour before you handle .. i know its difficult when they cant taz about because there in a hutch ... so when they come out i think giveing them time to burn off some energy with a play session with the other ferrets

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Offer it your knuckle if it bites it push it gently down the little feckers throat so it gags, that way it instantly assosiates biting with that. It works very well, feck all this stroke it gently for 3 years and it will come round. Just do what I said and it will work in a short time.

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Ive done it with fully grown hobs, you have to be condent, quick and firm with it. Really push back into its throat. I've often thought about putting lemon juice or similar on my knuckle first as a double deterant. Cant do any harm. I would perservere as your fighting a losing battle when they are older. I've never found any other techniques work, flicking noses etc is all shit.


edit forgot to ad that when I do it I offer the knuckle in the middle of my fingers not the one at the base of the fingers. This way you can push into its mouth alot more. It will hurt and it will chew sometimes lol but its worth it in the end.

Edited by Hob&Jill
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strangely enough it does work, i did it to my adult hob when he had a hold of my thumb +

wouldnt let go one time, he hasnt bit me since;- hubby thought the dogs had got a hold of the ferret by the screech he made.

had to use a lot of mouthwash to get rid of the taste- yuk

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