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badger badger badger

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:boogie: :boogie: :boogie:

Nice shooting Sir...


Not legal quarry here in the U.K.

if they were i could shoot loads on a night time, they are all over the place, but the laws the law, so i stick to the Foxes and leave the Badgers well alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well this is a funny thing, I have noticed that driving about I see more splatted badger than foxes, surely this means that thery are extremely numerous and surely a regulated cull by licensed individuals, like how they are able to kill cormorants affecting fish farms, is in order?

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well this is a funny thing, I have noticed that driving about I see more splatted badger ?



If you take a closer look you _might_ find that the splatting was done post mortem. :thumbs:



just be carefull what you say lads , just remember that brock has more rights than a human being and if your found killing or annoying one you get dealt more severly than if you had killed a person :whistling:

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There are more badgers now than ever, I see them in the early afternoon now.


The Badgers are roadkill nothing more or less and anything else is rumours spread by anti's. Why would you travel with a brock in your car when you could bury it or chuck it under a bush if you did kill one illegally.




Do you eat them Germany?



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I was reliably informed that any badger reported to plod has an autopsy done on it to determnine the cause of death. The authorities are interested in the cause of death to monitor what diseases it was carrying and what caused its death. Bovine TB etc.

So if a badger is killed illegally and then left as road kill then picked up by plod the cause of death will be investigated.

A badger survey was carried out here some 3 years ago and some mature ones still carry the identifying tatoos.

Take care.

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I was speaking to my mate down the borders he counted 9 brock and about 20 fox within 3 fields, says he squeeked 1 and he had 3 sets of eyes come sprinting in, says its plentyful down there

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I was reliably informed that any badger reported to plod has an autopsy done on it to determnine the cause of death. The authorities are interested in the cause of death to monitor what diseases it was carrying and what caused its death. Bovine TB etc.

So if a badger is killed illegally and then left as road kill then picked up by plod the cause of death will be investigated.

A badger survey was carried out here some 3 years ago and some mature ones still carry the identifying tatoos.

Take care.


I would politely suggest that whoever "reliably informed" you was pulling your chain mate. An autopsy on a badger would cost into the £100's, not something that's likely to be in the budget of any government agency.


It's possible that they might take a swab to test for TB, but even that's doubtful.

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