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I normally wear a country shirt, moleskin trousers etc ferreting, good to look smart on permission. I've got a few fleece lined shirts that are fecking good anyway. To be honest I dont see why I wouldnt as its good gear more comfortable than jeans etc.


I wouldnt go overboard with it as you end up looking a tosser..... Its the ones at the game fairs that make me laugh full tweed, full camo etc they all need to feck off and get a life lol.

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When im lamping i wear lightweight cammos because of all the walking we do ,when ferretting ex army cammos if they where good enough for the army there good enough for me walking about burrows with

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One falconry club i know of banned camo on its feild meets as its supposed to be the garb worn by poachers :blink: I admit to likeing the real tree gear especialy [bANNED TEXT] fishing as been static you just seem to melt into the surrounds.

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