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rimfire's first blood

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phone the landowner of the big permission I have yesterday, to say everything had gone through and I could start the pest control on his land, only to be told he was on holiday, not to worry, as its an open ticket I phoned another small permission I have and arranged to go there this morning, at first it looked like I was getting thursday night off from work, so it would have tied in nicely, only to be phoned last minute thursday night, with a pigeon job, ended up getting back indoors at 02.30am, as I wanted to be up and out by 5am, I stayed awake, wonderful thing redbull :thumbs:


anyway, sighted the scope in for 65yds, and its spot on, just need alot more learning on my judging distances, but I muddled through it, ended up with three rabbits and three woodies, only two in picture, was trying both eley's and winchester, although both go through it fine, the winchester gets the thumbs up from me :thumbs: and will be my future ammo, I was shooting the pigeons from behind the log in picture, the woodies were coming down onto a muck pile around 25yd away, just settled the crosshairs on the brow of there head and easy peasey, using the winchesters, one actually lost his head :icon_redface:


all in all a very enjoyable morning, once you'vre shot a rimmy, you tell yourself, air rifles, never again, although I still have to use one in work, the rimfire is no louder than my air arms S410 was


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now I'll probably fall asleep on the sofa :blink:

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Nice one mate :thumbs:

Ya I felt the same when I changed to Rimfire .22lr from a .177 Hatson Air Rifle, Lets just say the week I got my rimfire the following week my Air rifle was in a gun smiths up for sale :toast: Ha I'm just waiting to see the difference now with the .17hmr Its ment to be awsome :D

Atb Stephen

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