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Got grassed on by neighbour

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  On 18/07/2010 at 01:25, diging and lamping said:
  On 18/07/2010 at 01:15, higgins said:

my thoughts on all this is i wouldn't trust my own family let alone neighbbours,even though our neighbours are ok for now,i just get the feeling this country is f****d in every respect and my one aim in life right now is to get away from every f****r to live in the most isolated spot in the country,


me and you both mate


Can't get more remote than were I stay! thumbs.gif


cheers Callum

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when she not in put a pint of maggots through her letter box, and she will have flys in house for months

live rat through the letter box,, if its alive they can't blame you

Grassing neighbours would be a pain in the arse, I agree. I was reported once for having 'an underweight greyhound with open sores' :censored: She was a fit greyhound with a wound on her shoulder that I was treating properly. aRSePCa were shoo'd off my step fairly quick, I can tell you.


But, if I can just play the girly devil's advocate here .... what if someone's dogs were in fact living in the conditions this woman claimed? Never walked, covered in shit, inappropriately tethered, improperly fed etc etc - would you report it? Or what would you realistically do, 'cause I don't think I could abide by that if it were happening under my nose.


Just curious :angel:

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  On 19/07/2010 at 17:12, lurchergrrl said:

Grassing neighbours would be a pain in the arse, I agree. I was reported once for having 'an underweight greyhound with open sores' :censored: She was a fit greyhound with a wound on her shoulder that I was treating properly. aRSePCa were shoo'd off my step fairly quick, I can tell you.


But, if I can just play the girly devil's advocate here .... what if someone's dogs were in fact living in the conditions this woman claimed? Never walked, covered in shit, inappropriately tethered, improperly fed etc etc - would you report it? Or what would you realistically do, 'cause I don't think I could abide by that if it were happening under my nose.


Just curious :angel:

you can play what you like love :whistling:


i once knew of a dog kept in the kitchen and wasnt even allowed out to toilet and what i done is take the dog home with me,

i had it til it got poisoned by a bait someone left in the woods. :censored:


at the end of day theres difference between fact and malicious lies. its a waste of time for those involved who could be saving dogs in need.


update is the 4 bed house i was getting got jacked by housing due to current tenant changing her mind with 24 hrs left and is staying.

so im stuck next to the off key b***h.

Edited by forest of dean redneck
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  On 20/07/2010 at 06:16, runforyourlife said:

Tell the people who owned the dog! so if you were out walking your dogs and you bumped into someone badgering or foxing(and u were against it) what would you do???? to be agrass is a very large sin....


Not always as simple as that RFR, some folks won't be told. And not everyone would just give the dog to you tho that's the approach I'd take first; I'd certainly try to talk to them or offer to take the dog. How could anybody look out their window and know that animals were suffering under their nose? If you're not a big hard man and can't go have a 'quiet' word, what's to do?


Frankly I'd rather be a grass than know that dogs were suffering in deplorable conditions. I'd do the same if there were kids being abused. It's not always a sin to be a grass. Most of the time, yes, but not always. Life isn't so black and white.


Equally I think the cowbag Forest lives next to wants a lesson in the fine art of being a nice neighbour.


Too bad about the house as well, I know what it's like to be waiting anxiously and have the rug pulled out at the last minute.

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  On 15/07/2010 at 18:22, forest of dean redneck said:


yup you read it right, took a mate from over road to a school meeting today as they dont drive halfway there get call from wife

street wardens been round had report from neighbour i dont feed my animals and keep my dogs on chains and dont pick the shit up or walk them.


wife shows him through to back yard, pass the brand new sack of dog biscuit by back door that id only just dropped off.

past the parrots with their fresh food and water done when the kids are having breakfast.


outside sees the dogs all friendly neighbour had told them one was visicous.


all dogs fine fed and watered only 2 poops on floor i cleaned up in pouring rain last night.


wife said with 5 dogs youd think it would be covered wouldnt you


the 2 fellas look embarresed and said they have to follow up every complaint and had been told the kids were walking through piles of shit.


so they go on their way but they asked is the tarantula shut in as they hate spiders .

and theres only one person been told that are eldest was bought one as a pet last week.

and as they go on who pops up in the next door garden but the bitch with a smirk on her face.



i got off phone from the wife and called council and asked them to call me back

which he did couple hours later and i asked what the score was and told them that due to the comment about the spider i know who done it and that the 2 bitcheds had been in season and hadnt been walked alot and as the lurcher and elkhound were moulting they needed a good brush which he said was fine and he knew lurchers were thin looking anyway :thumbs:


but the best bit is that all this is because she babysits her daughter in laws spoilt yappy fugly mongrel terrier and its been at the rear dividing 6 foot fence barking at my dogs and setting them off barking and i told her if it got its head through the gap in the corner the elkhound who was kenneled there would bite its head clean off.


luckily we are on gloucestershire homeseeker and might be getting a house soon so i will be away from the bitch

as i know she will have complained to housing and social services as well spiteful old hag.

sorry for the long rant needed to get it off me chest




mate been through all that and more,they sound like total cnuts,dont get mad get even.

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  On 20/07/2010 at 07:50, lurchergrrl said:
  On 20/07/2010 at 06:16, runforyourlife said:

Tell the people who owned the dog! so if you were out walking your dogs and you bumped into someone badgering or foxing(and u were against it) what would you do???? to be agrass is a very large sin....


Not always as simple as that RFR, some folks won't be told. And not everyone would just give the dog to you tho that's the approach I'd take first; I'd certainly try to talk to them or offer to take the dog. How could anybody look out their window and know that animals were suffering under their nose? If you're not a big hard man and can't go have a 'quiet' word, what's to do?


Frankly I'd rather be a grass than know that dogs were suffering in deplorable conditions. I'd do the same if there were kids being abused. It's not always a sin to be a grass. Most of the time, yes, but not always. Life isn't so black and white.


Equally I think the cowbag Forest lives next to wants a lesson in the fine art of being a nice neighbour.


Too bad about the house as well, I know what it's like to be waiting anxiously and have the rug pulled out at the last minute.



Sorry but you only answered half the question..... And i dont think you will convince many fella's that grassing isnt a sin! Even tho i know you'l have a good bloody go.....


Yea, we to know what it s like to have the rug pulled at the very last minute. All ready to pick fellow hunters up, last minute txt, sorry cant make it, not once does this happen but on a regular basis.... top messers...

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in regards to kids, grassing is completely ok in my book, period.


LG the problem with grassing in regards to dogs, horses etc is just because someone else treats their animals differently than you would, who are we to say its wrong? And often what we see or hear is not what we think we saw. Think about this ... a well meaning neighbor sees a thin dog limping and crying out when touched by owner who maybe isn't "coo'ing" over the dog, maybe it's a guy just matter of factly moving the dog from kennel to yard or car to kennel ... was it abused, or did it hit a fence post while out lamping? Since they don't have a clue what had really happened and assume the guy has just kicked the tar out of the dog (it was squealing after all), they report it to the so-called-authorities, sinking the owner into a maze of hassle and irritation, and since it was an anonymoys grassing, they don't know who to mistrust now. An animal being blatantly starved, wallowing in filth or abused (if you see with your own educated eyes clearly that its happening) can easily wander out an unlatched gate.

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agree if i knew that kids were in dager of being abused or beaten then i would alert the authoritys its the moral thing to do.when it comes to dogs or ill treatment of an animal.then i would be at his door giving him my opinion and not in a nice way.said it before no one likes a grass,and in my expierence all f*****g grasses arent so clean them selfs they do it for their own gains not because they think they are doing their civic duty.

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