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Problematic foxes...

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Hi all


We have a cat from the rescue centre that is scared to death of everything (he's petrified of carrier bags for some reason),he went out on sunday night and didn't come back 'til tuesday night but wouldn't come in, a little later, around 11pm, the wife heard him scream at the bottom of the garden, she said she thought a fox had got him, so i went down the garden like a lunatic wielding a 325 year old samurai sword, if i had seen the git, he would have been like sliced bacon now :censored:


Anyhow, behind the shed is an area that isn't used (there is a shed of the person on the next road too that backs onto our property), we found an excavated hole, i presume it's a foxhole and not a badger hole (is there any way of telling as if a badger confronted me when i ran down the garden, i would probably have soiled me linen :o )


Some pics of the hole and the bit of land..







The hole is about an inch to the right of centre of the last pic (behind the shrub)

The size of the hole is roughly 14" across and about 10" tall (approximately)

we also had problems with a fox chasing our last cat, the wife was washing the pots at the sink when she saw our previous cat going hell for leather up our garden from the same place, she darted up the pear tree, the wife ran out screaming at the fox and it buggered off...

A few days later, we could hear the cat crying, it was under the next doors shed, i had to coax her head out with food so that i could grab her, she was trembling, i presume the :censored: ing fox had chased her under...


Is it legal for me to cover the hole with a board and empty the contents of my Co2 welding cylinder down the hole??

Do foxes excavate an escape hole or would they be stuck in the hole??


As the Co2 is heavier than air it would stay down the hole and axphixiate the occupant and hopefully solve our problem but i think it's too late for our puss Smokey :cry:


This is Smokey, he's a norwegian forrest cat (and bloody big too!), would a fox take a cat this big or would there be a chance that he'll turn up??(he didn't show up last night at all but a small fox was seen by the missus trotting down our garden.. I klnow that an airgun won't do the job and i don't have anything else apart from a shovel but don't fancy sitting there all night to catch the git coming back...



Is it legal to gas them in the hole??



Thanks in advance for any insight..




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Always hard to tell from a photo' but i'd say there is no fox using that hole :no: and defo' no badger using it thats a cert' :thumbs:

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Always hard to tell from a photo' but i'd say there is no fox using that hole :no: and defo' no badger using it thats a cert' :thumbs:


The way in was very clean until i chopped the shrubs from in front of it, i chopped much of it with the sword but then the thicker trunks (around two inches) i chopped with the loppers today to get the picture..


i didn't even notice the hole, it was the wife who saw it when she was looking for the cat..


I'm glad it aint a badger anyhow as there was one a couple of years ago outside our backdoor (eating the remnants of the cats supper!).

I heard a noise on the patio (a loose slab that wobbles), i ran into the conservatory the thing looked up at- even though there was a large double glazed door between us, i nearly crapped myself :icon_redface:



Cheers, John :)

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Looks empty to me in those photo's. Look again tomorrow and you will see if it's being used. NO you cannot gas them in their hole! :thumbdown:


Hmm- that's a bugger, How would one go about getting rid of them??

The hole looks to go fairly deep..





leave some cat food outside the hole and ule catch a glimpse of it


It was in the back garden last night, it buggered off when the wife went out, i think i'll have the sword ready at the door, if i see the thing i'll chuck the sword at it :thumbs: , or i reckon it would be easy to make a couple of spears with steel tips to launch at them (i used to throw javelin at skosh!! :boogie: )


Now for the next barmy question- is it legal to kill a fox with sa spear?? (i've developed a loathing for the flea ridden red gits!!)



Cheers, John..

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DAMNATION!!!!- i just exploded tea everywhere :censored: (i'll have to get the said wife into cleaning mode now :whistling: )


Well the 'orrible old red will be left alone now as out moggy was spotted on thursday just four gardens away so when he's done chasing the local she cats, he'll probably come home and sleep for a week!!!


Cheers all!!


John :bye:

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Any news on your mission?



Hi Topnotch


The cat is still at large (keeps hanging around but won't come in!!)


the wife chased the fox out of the garden a couple of nights ago, it went like a grehound apparently!!! :D

She's scared me a couple of times too :laugh: :laugh:



John :)

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