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Badger cull bites the dust

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Seen it all in the local rag and on the news. Mike Sharrat of i think the badger trust is always chirping on using 'cruelty' as a key factor, what makes me laugh is that this guy was against fox - hunting as it was 'cruel', leaving trapping and shooting of foxes as the only real means of population control so presumeably its fine to trap and shoot foxes, but 'cruel' when a badger???!!! NO LOGIC Typical animal rights nut! He also was banging on, on the news about tb being controlled in the early or mid 20th cenrury with NO CULLING. prior to the badger act i presume land owners would have had badgers culled ?


Aside from the TB issue, if we leave populations of animals to 'nature', they will just keep growing until they run out of food, or disease puts their numbers back in check, surely it's better for welfare if we maintain a healthy population by keeping numbers in check.


Good point. The thing the fluffy animal brigade fail to understand with the whole 'leave the countryside to nature' bollocks, is that the British countryside is very far from being a natural habitat. :yes: Centuries of farming and careful land management by people who know & understand what needs to be done have created what is a man made environment in which animals like the badger & fox can maintain a higher than natural population. For as long as man has managed the land in such a way, man has known about the need to control the populations of it's wild inhabitants and keep them at manageable & sustainable levels.


I don't know what fluffy animals they think they'd see in the countryside should man suddenly abandon it and let it revert to it's wild state, they wouldn't see feck all apart from bramble, gorse & blackthorn... :yes:

Edited by maltenby
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