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bald patches

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If it spreads a bit more mate, there'll be a visible line on the chest area. above the sort of elbow hight up will be ok, and below will lose hair. Seen it on my dog, but it is sortable so dont panic. Never heard of udder cream tho, Camrosa cream has some info on it in the box, perhaps thats how the udder cream kills the mites, and the camrosa, imobilises them and suffocates the blighters ??


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the bald patch on my grey is like twice the size of that i think its from when the last person had her she was lay on the concrete all day in the kennel waiting to be raced but hopefully they will come right i was told to just rub that cream on an dont let her lie on concrete for a while but its very common in the grey blood

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After you have the vet check and rule out mange, it is likely that it is just from pressure compaction and dirt in the hair folicles, commonly from laying on hard surfaces, but you can even see it when a dog lays on bedding. It wouldn't hurt to wash and rinse the dog very well, scrub the whole body well but especially the bare spots, and do this every week. Often adding anything to the coat/skin will just continue to stifle the healthy new growth. You could at least ask the vet but it is a possibility and easy to reverse, just takes growth time. The more the dog is up on its feet the better, the compaction of the dog laying contributes to this.

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