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New kits and mum

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Got a few new kits the other day from a guy down the road and ended up taking the mum home too as he said if I didn't want her he would just 'Lose' her. She has half a tail and would bite anything that moved. She isn't to bad now on a glove but I don't trust her with my fingers yet. But she has come into season again after only just having had a litter, is that normal?

And also what's this about sawdust being bad for ferrets? Anyone had any problems, I'm finding it easier than shredded paper and hay, the sh1t comes out alot easier.

Cheers, Aaron.

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Must admit I've not come across a jill coming back into season after having a litter, do you mean sawdust or shavings? Shavings tend to have a lower dust content, although they will still need some form of substrate for the sleeping area............

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Sorry I did mean shavings, they have some old towels for the sleeping area. Shall I put her with a hob?



Either ask on here for a vasectomised hob to bring her out of season, perhaps a hormine injection from the vets would be a better option, there are so many kits out there already, and your jills body has just been through the ringer delivering one litter................

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i would suggest to seperate kits from the jill,, that way it will easier to tame them and they wont learn the same behaviour of the mother


well done to you taking them on, i must confess i would have done the same :whistling:


bedding wise put wood shavings throughout the entire hutch, sleeping area and run, then in the sleeping area pop a good layer of bedding in, theres a wool/paper ferret friendly thats brilliant or you could use shredded paper or dust free hay,, put plenty of bedding in as they like to make a nest out of it


otherwise i wish you all the best with your litter and hope the jill gets used to you shortly, i rescued a jill who spent the first month latching on to my knuckle :icon_eek: but in time she mellowed loads, never 100% but much more content, try feeding her beaten raw egg and milk mix out of the hutch with her getting used to your presence while she's feeding, this way she'll assosiate you with pleasent things, build up her confidence and gradually start stroking her while she's feeding, little and often, handle her as many times you can a day, even if its seconds, as long as its positive it all helps


if you need any advice feel free to pm me


all the best and good luck lurcher lass x

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You will need to get your jill out of season or she will remain swollen till the shorter daylight hours november ?? whats that four months away . Removing the kits might reduce her agression then work on her during the summer .Shaving's is fine for using with ferrets ,sawdust has to much dust in it , I find shredded paper to bulky to dispose of when your cleaning them out daily .

All the best with your new jill let us know how it goes

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Thanks for all the help, I got her the jill jab today. She has been seperated from the kits since I got her as she was being aggressive towards them. She will let me pick her up now, I don't think she particulary likes it but she hasn't bitten me for 2 days.

Cheers again, Aaron.

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