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bitch or dog

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ive always prefered bitches but then it makes life easier as well, my only male is my patterdale + i cant really keep males as he is male dog aggressive + kennel crazy when confined, both behaviors are linked in his case though as he was reared in kennels, happy in my 1/4acre dog run though with the lakie bitch


ive kept many breeds over the years and i have always prefered bitches, they seem to be more responsive and that bit quicker with their wits, they settle into a routine quicker, males seem to find it harder to adjust if their enviroment changes in any way. ie when i brought out my lurcher bitch to go hunting my male patt would howl till we returned, bring the patt out working;- you'd be lucky if the bitches would even leave their kennel lol.

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I like a good bitch, just sommat about 'em, I gel with 'em better BUT I suppose it really dosent matter, dog or bitch, to me as long as they do what I expect.

Got two dogs on now... But a GOOD bitch :hmm: , everyone likes a good bitch! :yes:

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then you have the bitch out of use for the second half of her pregnancy + 4wks after the birth, or so i found with my collies, never bothered to breed a lurcher though... enough being bred already + lurcher pups are a real handful

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bitches are better for making money out of with a litter each year :thumbs:

bitch it is then :laugh:

:laugh: thought so you peddlar!!! you any nearer getting a lurcher yet mate???

just another day closer mate lol al have one be for summers out mate one way or another :thumbs:

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