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i have just started getting my bitch fit ready for the fields getting cut i used to walk her about a mile every day but i have been told to take her out on a push bike. ive been doin about 2mile a day is this enough....?

Edited by smokey/gem
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  On 13/07/2010 at 20:58, smokey/gem said:

i have just started getting my bitch fit ready for the fields getting cut i used to walk her about a mile every day but i have been told to take her out on a push bike. ive been doin about 2mile a day is this enough....?

i done a post on push bikes and lurcher fitnes search this section and its called lurcher fitnes some good replys cheers

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I try and aim for at least 5/6 mile a day with mine, And thats just to keep a half decent baseline fittness for when the season does start,

5/6 miles takes me about 35/40 min to do so it takes no time to do a day....

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i found that if you mix it up a bit it seems to work , i walk them 1 day (4-5miles) 2nd day run them next to me on the bike 8-9 miles 3rd day out in the fields for a good run round , but it all depends on how hot it is as its still warm so be carefull , and dont over do it :victory:

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My old dog. now 14 and now a retired to house dog(guard dog).(got the good life at my mum's. inside, out side cos of of age and he is slowin down). i run him every night after school and every day on the weekends from brekky till dusk and i'd do the same. i tied him to my head stem of my bike. he used to pull me and the bike up hills at a running pace. start em of slow an just get em doing more till you are happy with fitness. they will be on top of the game IMO. but don't push to hard to fast as a pup. give em the time and they will try there guts out for you if you know your dog and know when to push em and when to let them rest. just my OP. great dogs will try and do what you want, when they know what's asked of them. they love to please you.thats what what they want(to make you happy(pack leader)) true dog dog men, know when to push and also know when to give there dogs a rest IMO. they read the signs of the dog. if others think diff. that's up to you.PM me on pctonka@gmail.com i can take it on the chin. all the best. cathunter

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Just started my saluki on the bike today :thumbs: , did around 3 miles which is no bother for him as he is fit as fook, Im suprised he took so well to it, gonna start getting out regular in another month or so,just getting used to it at present, i haven'tbeen on a push bike for about 15 years :icon_eek: I'll have to remember my inhaler :boogie:

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  On 14/07/2010 at 17:48, arcticgun said:

Just started my saluki on the bike today :thumbs: , did around 3 miles which is no bother for him as he is fit as fook, Im suprised he took so well to it, gonna start getting out regular in another month or so,just getting used to it at present, i haven'tbeen on a push bike for about 15 years :icon_eek: I'll have to remember my inhaler :boogie:

i love it out on the bike its great fun especially when they clock a young rab it gets a bit hairy nearly took a dip in the canal a time or two!!! :icon_eek:

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doing 12 miles...... the more you can do the fitter they will be, you will NOT get to the bottom of a well bred dog that has been built up correctly. start at 5 when roads are quite and its nice and cool. done it for years.


this will also help all the folk who moan about behaviourl issues, most are just lazy and wont put the time in. the odg will respect you alot more for getting it out.

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  On 14/07/2010 at 18:18, dirty twister said:
  On 14/07/2010 at 17:48, arcticgun said:

Just started my saluki on the bike today :thumbs: , did around 3 miles which is no bother for him as he is fit as fook, Im suprised he took so well to it, gonna start getting out regular in another month or so,just getting used to it at present, i haven'tbeen on a push bike for about 15 years :icon_eek: I'll have to remember my inhaler :boogie:

i love it out on the bike its great fun especially when they clock a young rab it gets a bit hairy nearly took a dip in the canal a time or two!!! :icon_eek:

mine go out with the hounds and we do about 10 miles a day it gets them fit in no time. :thumbs::thumbs:

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hello everyone i also do bike work with my bitch but i find after a few days of road work of 3 or 4 miles per day her pads start to wear and get sore is there anything i can put on them to stop this

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  On 15/07/2010 at 18:55, ningbo said:

hello everyone i also do bike work with my bitch but i find after a few days of road work of 3 or 4 miles per day her pads start to wear and get sore is there anything i can put on them to stop this



that happens to my younger dogs aswell, i just take it real slow and build it up then they seem fine.

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