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remingon 70 220 swift

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Does any one own a 220 swift calibre rifle? I am trying to get some ammo at the moment and I cant find a single Firearms dealer that has any in 220 swift. Ideally I would like Federal Nosler Ballistic Tip in 40gr. Any suggestions as to where I might be able to purchase some.


im sure i can find you some trouble is would it be worth you traveling down here ? inless the rfd here will ship it to your rfd.


the cost of trhe ammo wont be cheap as the 220 swift is not a popular round over this side of the pond


this place does it http://www.nevilleguns.com/cartridges-ammunition/federal-v-shok-220-swift-40-grain


im waiting for a email back froma local dealer i think will beat those prices. if i where you tho mate i would go for a 50 grain. your still have the speed but it will be better over longer distance with a 50 grain

Edited by jamie g
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just had a email back mate and that link i put on my other post is about the cheapest i can find that ammo anywhere.


this guy by me wanted the prices below !


220 swift 52 gr boat tail hp £38-20


220 swift 40 gr nosler ballistic tip £36-20

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I run a 22250 and would suggest using a heavier bullet in a swift than a 40gr.(if you love your barrel anyway).

My experience is they were fast and very flat (4108 fps in a 22"barrel).

The trouble was they never penetrated foxes at all simply splashed on the surface reasulting in very wounded foxes.

These were handloaded 40gr blitz kings they worried me as to what barrel wear was going to result.

I would source some 55gr for a swift.

Regards John.

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