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  On 13/07/2010 at 16:20, mushroom said:

Around a quarter of foreign citizens were Asians, with 293,000 from India and 178,000 from Pakistan. The number of African citizens living in ­Britain reached 609,000. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the think-tank Migrationwatch, said: “It is absurd to generalise about the benefits of immigration.


I guess they just did this survey in Burnley and left the rest of the country out :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That's probably just the figures for the "illegal" ones. :shok:

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I will be feked if i boycotted the muslim surgeon whos operating on me next week and so would the N.H.S be with out hard working dedicated muslim doctors and surgeons.

If peoples who descide to change country for better life, also change they attitude , & habit to conform to better life , in they country go. This include, rubbish bin for old passport , to keep n

your happy the way this country is with its multiculturalisim.seriously take a look around you mate.its all going tits up its like watching a f*****g crash.were dictated to and told we mustnt do or sa

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  On 13/07/2010 at 18:39, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 17:40, topnotch said:



I wouldnt do that mate, we will just have to support even more of the feckers in the welfare system


do not let them joke with you, back home land they have top car, big big castle house & many fields with slave worker, they no poor. Uk make very rich them. :thumbdown:

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  On 13/07/2010 at 18:39, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 17:40, topnotch said:



I wouldnt do that mate, we will just have to support even more of the feckers in the welfare system

I will be feked if i boycotted the muslim surgeon whos operating on me next week and so would the N.H.S be with out hard working dedicated muslim doctors and surgeons.

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  On 13/07/2010 at 09:01, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 08:28, clint said:

If peoples who descide to change country for better life, also change they attitude , & habit to conform to better life , in they country go. This include, rubbish bin for old passport , to keep new UK i.d . Any who go against new life, jail for treason & send home, NO EXUSE .Why try make new country into same dusbin they run from ! :hmm:



Wise words clint.....But I think that if they cannot support themselves while they are here or if they do not embrase the culture of Britain they should be returned to thier country of origin,we already have too many people drawing out of the welfare system,pention funds and streaching our national health service to the max that have not paid any cash into the country,That is why this country is in the state it is in and only by taking these drastic measures can we put the 'Great' back in Britain...rant over

well said that man :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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sure can stop them covering there faces in public in a christian country! human rights no sane humanbeing straps bombs to there selves! poacher3161 the thing is they should be brit doctors an if the government put more into native brits than immigrants an dolers we might live in a better country :thumbs:

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Theres a bit of a shift in thinking lately,the suicide bombers that struck in Uganda were called "islamists" not terrorists or extremists,i dont think this word would have been used when Labour were in office.


Its probably to provoke extra hatred of muslims so they can continue to fight pointless wars to steal mineral wealth,but then again it only costs the lives of working class lads who cant find jobs here because some "immigrant" got preferential treatment.


Because most of the allied countries fighting in Afghanistan are now fed up with it,and governments are under pressure to withdraw their troops its been leaked in the New York Times that theres a TRILLION DOLLARS worth of untapped mineral wealth just waiting to be stolen,the Russians originally discovered it when they occupied Afghanistan in the 1980's,the USA is now dangling this like a carrot and hoping the rest of us stay in Afghanistan,call me a sceptic but i dont think this war is about anything other than greed.


Simple solution to islamic terrorism,kick their arses out of Europe.


Check out this vid,


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  On 13/07/2010 at 19:42, big hunter12 said:

what about there civil rights you cant force them to dress a certain way just because you dont agree with it.


Its not a case of forcing them to wear a certain type of clothing,do you think that you would be able to walk the length of any high street or into a bank wearing a balaclava,let alone down a street in thier country,I believe that you cannot even hold hands with your girlfriend when you walk thier streets....WE HAVE TO RESPECT THIER CULTURE BUT THEY MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO RESPECT OURS.....If they come here to integrate then they sould have respect.....There is no reason for them to cover thier faces Im sure that it is done to make a political statement.They should show thier faces or return to thier own country....simples....For years teenagers were tarred as yobs for wearing hoodies but these people are allowed to hide behind thier burka its a feckin joke...now see you've got me swearin :censored::censored:

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totally right mate,wasnt there a shopping mall that bans young ppl from going in with hoodies up.one thing that pisses me off aswell.is the paki shop near me,the c**t stands at the door at lunchtime when the kids get out for lunch and only allows 3 in at a time.often said to them on passing tell him to f**k off and go somewhere else for your lunch.giving the c**t money and he treats them like thiefs

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  On 13/07/2010 at 20:42, big hunter12 said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 20:35, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 19:42, big hunter12 said:

what about there civil rights you cant force them to dress a certain way just because you dont agree with it.


Its not a case of forcing them to wear a certain type of clothing,do you think that you would be able to walk the length of any high street or into a bank wearing a balaclava,let alone down a street in thier country,I believe that you cannot even hold hands with your girlfriend when you walk thier streets....WE HAVE TO RESPECT THIER CULTURE BUT THEY MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO RESPECT OURS.....If they come here to integrate then they sould have respect.....There is no reason for them to cover thier faces Im sure that it is done to make a political statement.They should show thier faces or return to thier own country....simples....For years teenagers were tarred as yobs for wearing hoodies but these people are allowed to hide behind thier burka its a feckin joke...now see you've got me swearin :censored::censored:

you might find a nice woman behind the burka.



You may be on to something there mate...probably why the men want them covered ... :whistling:

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  On 13/07/2010 at 22:11, Ideation said:

I don't like racists - can we ban those to?


There is a big difference between being a racist and being patriotic mate, I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here and tries to integrate with our society to make the country a better place,but to come here and try to drag our culture into the gutter well I do have a problem with that,and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views a racist well that is just the society we live in now.

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  On 13/07/2010 at 22:23, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 22:11, Ideation said:

I don't like racists - can we ban those to?


There is a big difference between being a racist and being patriotic mate, I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here and tries to integrate with our society to make the country a better place,but to come here and try to drag our culture into the gutter well I do have a problem with that,and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views a racist well that is just the society we live in now.



Right and wearing a Burkha is to 'drag our culture into the gutter', if your worried about our culture mate i'd take a long look at the sorry excuse for what passes as a brit these days.


. . . . . and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views or dress how you like as dragging our culture into the gutter is ok?


There is a constant stream of anti muslim threads on here that just feature the same small minority standing on their soap box and moaning. . . . get over it, the rest of us don't give a crap . . . .


The guy with the skin head, union jack tatoo and attitude problem who tries to pick a fight with me outside the pub is far more irritating than some woman wearing a tent.

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  On 14/07/2010 at 08:27, Ideation said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 22:23, Night Hunter said:
  On 13/07/2010 at 22:11, Ideation said:

I don't like racists - can we ban those to?


There is a big difference between being a racist and being patriotic mate, I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here and tries to integrate with our society to make the country a better place,but to come here and try to drag our culture into the gutter well I do have a problem with that,and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views a racist well that is just the society we live in now.



Right and wearing a Burkha is to 'drag our culture into the gutter', if your worried about our culture mate i'd take a long look at the sorry excuse for what passes as a brit these days.


. . . . . and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views or dress how you like as dragging our culture into the gutter is ok?


There is a constant stream of anti muslim threads on here that just feature the same small minority standing on their soap box and moaning. . . . get over it, the rest of us don't give a crap . . . .


The guy with the skin head, union jack tatoo and attitude problem who tries to pick a fight with me outside the pub is far more irritating than some woman wearing a tent.



I have horse with this view, he ware blinker to see one direction. :laugh: . When blinker off ,he see all :thumbs:

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