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help with my pcp bsa hornet .22 please

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hello i have just bought a bsa hornet multishot pcp and was testing it in my back garden and it just dont seem to be packing a punch on the targets! and the gun only got fully charged today .. any ideas whats wrong with it :(







hi there dan and welcome to the forum.


first things first you need to get the gun cronographed, this will tell you the power of the rifle.


your local gun shop will be able to do this for you if you dont have one.


just another thought. when some pcp's are fully charged they will often give inconsistant power untill they reach the sweet spot,


my s410 holds 200 bar but will shoot best between 180-120 (the sweet spot) nice consistant power around the 11flb mark. this is due to the way the hammer hits and opens the valve.


like i say tho get her cronod and go from there.




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are you sure its not leaking air from anywhere had this with mine when i first got it the seal had gone inside the chamber slowly seeping air out near the bolt. try this worked for me if you have straws at home place a straw just into your not so its in deep and you have got to go A nad E but enough so when you move your head about with straw over the gun you can pin point if its leaking air mate try this first and then i would def go to your local gun shop and ask if they can chrono it for ya. if not ask a few chaps on here they may have chorno. since my gun was repaired i havent had a prob with it and its consistant 11.6 on chrono all the best with it mate. :thumbs:

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willium do u have the same gun???


went shooting this afternoon with it hit a pidgeon direct hit from about 25 yards didnt as much move a feather :icon_redface:


the bloke i bought it from said it hasnt been used in ages so maybe a refill of air would do the job does any 1 agree ..

because im useless with air rifles anyway lol


and do u think once the gun is working as normal its defo worth keeping

Edited by dan dan the hunting man
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