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Just taken delivery of some pigeon decoys.. Bit of a case of all the gear and no idea i'm afraid. :hmm: Pigeon is rapidly becoming one of my favorite meats but I am struggling to get a lot due to them having eyes and ears like god knows what. I always see the arse end of one after it's flown. :wallbash: :wallbash: Very Very clever birds I guess. :notworthy: :notworthy: I've decided to try and decoy them so I could really do with some pointers on how to set them out, i've been told they don't like their backsides facing the wind ?


any pointers would be a great help, thanks in advance :duh:



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Just taken delivery of some pigeon decoys.. Bit of a case of all the gear and no idea i'm afraid. :hmm: Pigeon is rapidly becoming one of my favorite meats but I am struggling to get a lot due to them having eyes and ears like god knows what. I always see the arse end of one after it's flown. :wallbash: :wallbash: Very Very clever birds I guess. :notworthy: :notworthy: I've decided to try and decoy them so I could really do with some pointers on how to set them out, i've been told they don't like their backsides facing the wind ?


any pointers would be a great help, thanks in advance :duh:





Check out posts from MickeyK theres not lots but he got some wicked infor from lots of people on this site. Very interesting and informative, sure it will definately get you going.


atb Gaz

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Very true :yes:

They don't like it at all!

I've never met a bird that likes anything blowing up their butt :angel:


Get a UV marker pen and put a few flashes of it on the backs of the woodies ;)



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Very true :yes:

They don't like it at all!

I've never met a bird that likes anything blowing up their butt :angel:


Get a UV marker pen and put a few flashes of it on the backs of the woodies ;)



Hi Phantom,

Whats the reason you do that mate?


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Woodies see in the Ultra Violate spectrum, not like us seeing in the Visible light spectrum.


Its like a big sign saying "OVER HERE BUD!" they can see it for miles AND they can see it through the foliage of trees etc :yes:


Read this:




Take note of posts 4, 11, 13, 17 and 31 :thumbs:



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Woodies see in the Ultra Violate spectrum, not like us seeing in the Visible light spectrum.


Its like a big sign saying "OVER HERE BUD!" they can see it for miles AND they can see it through the foliage of trees etc :yes:


Read this:




Take note of posts 4, 11, 13, 17 and 31 :thumbs:



Cheers Phantom :thumbs: Top bloke



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