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The Wrecking Crew


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Guest oldskool
The proof of the pudding is in the eating mate...And The eating must be single handed



i think your dead right single handed is the main goal but if your out to clear as many of them away as you can then 2 lurchers will always be more efficient, will it not?? :hmm: ... personally, i liked the dvd!!! thought it was good sport.. although some of it was unnessecary...

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listen stiffy i now a lot of them, lads on the dvd and they aint just average dogs they are good workin dogs that see a hell of a lot of graft and if you think your dogs are better they will certainly run you for a prize against your dogs single handed if you want these are good doggin lads and you get the same old shit on here when someones seems to be doin well you get the minority pullin them down how many foxes do your dogs see in a season mate cos these dogs see a hell of a lot

not normally one to cause a argument just dont like seein good doggin lads dogs puulled down by folk who results we never see

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Well to be honest...I hope no one ever sees my dogs or what I do with them..I principally Dont have foxes as my main quarry as I dont have a fox dog or see them in that large a numbers to justify owning a lurcher specifically for that task...However I have been fortunate to see some very good dogs owned by lads who have never ever felt the need to endanger their dogs by videoing it...I dont doubt these lads arent genuine But Their actions had wider repercusssions...

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In fairness to the lads, I don't think the film was ever made with a view to it being available for general sale...it was done for their own record.


As is usual with these things however, it soon gets copied and flogged on the internet. :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
  Chainman said:
listen stiffy i now a lot of them, lads on the dvd and they aint just average dogs they are good workin dogs that see a hell of a lot of graft and if you think your dogs are better they will certainly run you for a prize against your dogs single handed if you want these are good doggin lads and you get the same old shit on here when someones seems to be doin well you get the minority pullin them down how many foxes do your dogs see in a season mate cos these dogs see a hell of a lot

not normally one to cause a argument just dont like seein good doggin lads dogs puulled down by folk who results we never see


What call do they use? There dogs are deffinatly not average, if thats what you call average then i would love to own your idea of a world beater


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