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The Wrecking Crew


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Excellent dvd all tho it would of been better to see some deer caught in the open instead of bouncing off fences, i know thats how 90% of the deer caught by lurchers are because of fences and other obsticles but its still nice to see a proper course resulting in a fair catch. Other than that it really is a great dvd full of action and a must see for anyone with even a slight interest in lamping fox.


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Yadder yadder yadder yadder ....

IMHO this tape should be binned and never discussed in an open forum...

Yes it is a good dvd with plenty of footage of decent runs..but...

1/ They are probably the most high profile case of recent times..GO FIGURE

2/ They did themselves and the rest of the working dog world absolutely no favours by BRINGING THIS INTO THE MAINSTREAM

3/ They had the ingenious idea of recording basically all the evidence used against them...

4/ Prompted circulation of this tape to increase via the internet and led to some really nice organisations getting hold of the footage

and 5 / (my personal favourite) Allowed discussions like this to happen , Where people fete and place these people upon a pedestal as proper dog men when The real dog lad keeps himself to himself and his activities well under the radar for the protection of himself his family his running / digging buddies and his dogs...

ask yourself this...The police for everyraid , incursion on everydog mans property will rifle through Hard drives , Phone books, Calls, pHOTO ALBUMS, BOOKS , pREVIOUS RECORDS ETC. TO COMPILE A LIST OF KNOW ACCOMPLACES..How many people who are yet to commit a crime will now be on a database under surveillance by the actions of others??? Loose lips sink ships ..............

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:hmm: Stiffy, as I saw the title of the post I thought similar thoughts to you mate, the WWC may well get out and do their bit, I aint disputing it but by feck have they helped to tar us all with the same brush.


People seeking the limelight never have impressed me and 99% of the time do more harm than good, the dvd should never have been made, or at the very least never circulated. :angry:

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