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national trust land

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this to me is new , i had a run in with a local lad about my dogs been uncontrolable,which is not true so i gave him a round of fxxs,

then i took 9 people on a days clay shooting which my land owner said was ok

but its been handed over to the trust so who do i need the permission off to let some clays off and that person will stitch me up

any pointers please


he has grass rights etc for silage im not killing anything just clays

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If the N T are now the owners, then it's them you need to contact. Someone else might hold the shooting rights, but if so the trust will be able to point you in the right direction. If you have a longstanding agreement with the previous owner, and they're willing to vouch for you, then it shouldn't be a problem. I take it you have insurance, as they'll definitely want that in place before they allow you to shoot!

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The tennant has the rights , when crop or meadow is damage by pest, tennant farmer has authority to allow the cull of.. Clay shoot total difrent, becas of noise from gun etc, & sound travel, you may have to get tempory licence to allow shoot clay on regular basis.Is possible land also have rights to shoot from syndicate. Ask local game keepers, they best of knowlege.Offer to help keeper out :thumbs:




so maybe best inform NT & syndiacte you intend to carry out pest control, with authotrity from Mr Farmer, this scover you azz.

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ive been in touch with the n t and they were very helpful

i stated that the farmer has gave me permission on his grass fields to do vermin control and i explained the he rents this land adjacent to his off the n t and wanted to know that if he gave me permission on your land owned by the n t would i be allowed the right to do so, and they said yes i also stated that we do a bit of clay pigeon shooting over there and he again said ok

he is going to put this in writing for me so i have the authority to do so



thats put my mind to rest and get that tosser off my back :tongue2:

ps thanks again for you time


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