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12 hour vermin control

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Hi every one

Rekowski and I went over to the business park Friday evening; to have a look around. As we pulled up at the gate I introduced Alex to Tim (the security guard) and let him know that he was with me!


Then we went up to the top of the park, and parked up and got set up! A Honda civic isnt the most suitable car to shoot from, but chaz eyes are still sore from welding and couldnt make it that night!


So we head off to the bottom of the b/p where the balancing pond is, its more like a soak away for the whole b/p. we both got out I headed north and Alex went south. I was walking on the high bank for a clearer view of both sides of the bank the boundary and the sub box, as I raised my head over the bank a bunny spotted me and legged it. But I caught movement out of the corner of my eye

(We would all look funny with square eyes) :laugh: god knows where that expression came from :laugh: it was another bunny which was too far from the boundary to legit and stooped down to make its self look invisible. But it was no match for my AAS410K .177

which was wearing a MTC MAMBA 4-16X50 so I raised my air arms and rested against a tree as this was a standing shot ranged at 38yds cross hairs locked on the kill zone THWACK! Over it goes no flip from this bunny just keeled back one foot stretched out as the nervous system closes down


Where it fell




As I mad my way back to the balancing pond I see 4 bunniess running in to the middle of it, they came from Alexs direction so he must have had a shot at them which forced them out of cover! I was quick to my knees as I had to crawl a good ten yds before I ranged them and it came out at 57yds, so slowly opened up my bi-pod and got comfy breathing under control cross hairs on 1.5 mildot no breeze perfect conditions. I took up the first stage exhale slowly THWACK!! And over it went just like the last one!

Me tinks I caught this one by surprise :laugh:


Where it fell




Caught grazing






I had another two shots as the others stayed around, as I had my twink mk2 mod on the .177 but I missed both shots :doh: They were kneeling. Which im pretty good at, so was a bit mad at missing them!


Any ways back to the car and round to the bill boards at the front of the property, as we came up to them very slowly we had spotted a magpie and a bunny. Both on the passenger side so this was down to Alex, he raised his Daystate Huntsman classic .22

And took aim, his shot missed! But the bunny still stayed there! Just goes to show how quiet his daystate is! He had another two shots but missed again I knew then that some thing wasnt right! So a quick trip round to the sub station and put out a target @ 30yds, and checked zero it was high, so after a little while we were back on track! We were chatting about how he lost his zero from the last time we were out; apparently his nephew had a go on it at home, so me tinks that will be the last time his nephew touches his pride and joy! ;)


Any ways we had another look around to see if we could do any more drive by bunnying :laugh: , but by this time 10 pm was nearly upon us and Alex had to pick his wife up!

I stayed as I was out for the 12 hour shift, and had another drive around , and placed my rifle on the passenger seat ( carefully) so I thought as I pulled away I here it drop not a lot but enough to knock out my zero as I found out after taking a couple of more shots!


So I remember that at the top of the park there was a skip, with some white ceiling tiles in it and some MDF. So in the skip like a skip rat! And gathered up my temporary backstop!

With the added bonus of the target being white.


So back I went and ranged 35yds, 10 shots later I was back on zero! I also spotted Tim coming back after his check! Round

And thought it would be a good idea to go have a cuppa coffee to keep me awake longer, as I do have a tendency to drop off on my long nights out! :whistling: . Also it gave us a bit of time to have a good old chat!


Two cups of coffee later and I was back at it again, and I had bagged another two at the business park this was now Saturday morning!


Where they fell




Another bites the dust!




It all went abit quiet after a while, so I decided to go and have a few remaining hours of my 12 hour vermin control at Marston farm where Nathan R shoots as well who is also on here!


On my arrival I see a bunny in the front field so quick to park up and get the AAS410 K .177 out and have a slow stalk over to the opening in the hedge. It was still there I managed to range it at 35 yds so pot on zero down on one knee took aim THWACK!!!

This one did a back flips, and came down dead. And got wet in the process with the early morning dew


Where it fell




After this I went over to the rail line at the north of the property, and got my self set up in some nettles and thistles ouch!! Ouch!! Once I removed the ones in my way I was comfy. I led in a prone position for about an hour before my next target presented its self, but it was at 72yds so I put my head down for about an half hour and closed my eyes and just took a moment, give it enough time to get confidant that there is no threat out there to it .


I raised my head after a small half hour power nap, and to my surprise there was four bunnys out. One in my range and the others out of my range, so my plan had worked. When in doubt have a knap :laugh:

I had already had the bi-pod up and ready so all I had to do was slowly move from side to side depending on which side my target came from, so it was a left swing. It was ranged at 45yds then 1 mildot hold under THWACK!! This one went over on its side not a twitch.


Where it fell




On a closer inspection the pellet had travelled through its eye then passing through the back of its brain


Close up




Hence not a twitch!!


I had another from here same distance, but forgot to take a pic :doh:

Then could here the magpies at the front of the property and I decided to have a look for them! I kept close to the hedge once in the back garden and slowly made my way to there noises as I got closer I could see there was three of them two in my range! And one not so I got right in amongst the nettles and had to take a standing shot! But missed standing not a strong point of my shooting! But to my surprise they were still there! So had another shot (well it would be rude not too!) but missed again Double :doh: !! As I was reloading a pigeon landed on the water troff, with in my zero 35yds I took aim THWACK!! Straight down with a neck shot! So I was not going to be beaten. And picked up the pigeon as the magpies had left but could still here them .and thought right I will put this out to see if I can bring them in


Here is a pic




I must of waited an hour for them to return but to no avail, I could here them in the distance, but they never returned

And that was pretty much my 12 hour vermin control shift over; I do like doing them as you see some interesting things!

Like when I was talking to Tim and drinking our coffee he said look come here take a look at the security light, and I said what? Keep looking was his reply then about two minutes later, you could see the bats come in and take out the moths around the light BRILLIANT!!So I wasnt the only one hunting that night.


Here are some other pics I took


AAS410K .177 dressed for vermin control




AAS410K .177 at ease!









And a happy me!




Happy hunting





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Hi every one Rekowski and I went over to the business park Friday evening; to have a look around. As we pulled up at the gate I introduced Alex to Tim (the security guard) and let him know that he wa

hi ya davy once again a fantastic write up buddy and great shooting too we have a few bats here when mu flood lights are on at the bottom of the garden they fly around grabbing the bugs and great

Nice going there good chap :clapper:


Looking at the distorted head, you gave that 1st bunny the mother of all headaches :laugh: superb shot :yes:


I know what you mean about watching the bats :yes: A year or so back the council moved the one street light in out road that was right outside our gate and replaced it with two others, put at each end of the road.

When I'm sat on a night unable to sleep, I often watch the bats from my chair in an almost 'Dog Fight' with the moths and other flying insects around the lamps. Sometimes they fly in and out and they seem to be a light orangish brown other times they fly in circles around the lamp and they are constantly lit up by it.

It looks awsome, they are such agile creatures :yes:


Again, nice shooting Davy :notworthy:



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nics shooting me old pal but why oh why did you have to spoil it with that last photo there's some dodgy bloke in that shot mate ....have a slut point buddy im only giving you a sp cos you forgot to put the date on u plonka did you not know rob started another comp on saturday ...


atb gary

Edited by festa
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  On 11/07/2010 at 21:55, venomviper said:

hi ya davy

once again a fantastic write up buddy and great shooting too we have a few bats here when mu flood lights are on at the bottom of the garden they fly around grabbing the bugs :thumbs:

and great pictures to davy pal



hi shay

thanks buddy

must admit i hadn't seen this before so was pretty cool!

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  On 12/07/2010 at 06:42, festa said:

nics shooting me old pal but why oh why did you have to spoil it with that last photo there's some dodgy bloke in that shot mate ....have a slut point buddy im only giving you a sp cos you forgot to put the date on u plonka did you not know rob started another comp on saturday ...


atb gary


thanks gary


know i didnt know it had started DOH!!!

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  On 12/07/2010 at 07:26, gurtwurz said:

nice work davy, that was a good bag mate... great write up and pics too, sp for a bloody entertaining night out specailly seeing the bats at work buddy


all the best, wurz


hi wurz

thanks buddy



  On 12/07/2010 at 09:14, trapper123 said:

great write up mate and good pics :thumbs:





  On 12/07/2010 at 10:25, JackReid said:

Awesome writeup mate and hunting effort. Love the nap technique... I havent done enough all night shoots to put that into practice but will soon!!!


Nice one SP given as standard!




hi jack

i will show you the technique,in a couple of weeks lol

plenty of all night shooting going on then!!


thanks for all comments lads!





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