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Shooting with out land owners consent

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i once caught 4 armed men (asians) poaching our phesants from roadside. i pulled them over, rung the police and by myself took there gun off them which only turned out to be an air rifle and held them for 3 hours, till 3 in the morning! i got bored of waiting for the police so let them go. another half hour passed and the police eventually landed saying sorry we had to respond to a break in, in skipton first!!! to top all things the police then had the cheek to ring me later that week saying the asians had been in and complained i was aggressive and threatening towards them!!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: great idea to post car details!!

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  On 11/07/2010 at 12:58, verminator1977 said:

I run a small walked up shoot on the outskirts of Canterbury. We put down approx 250 pheasants and 200 partridges on a mixture of cover crops and marsh land and the odd bit of wood. In the last couple of years the number of foxes has tried to creep up, but we are doing our best to keep these numbers under control.

However we now have a problem with unwanted shooters lamping our fields at night and shooting foxes, hares from the roads around the boundaries of the shoot. Does anyone have any ideas about how to stop this? I have tried speaking to police about this but they dont seem that interested. I think it would be useful to set up a forum on here that you could list vehicle registrations of people who are seen shooting where they shouldn't be and dates and times of these incidents. Then hopefully if we get enough imformation and evidence about the same people then the police might take notice.Its frustrating when you put all the hard work in to run a shoot and make it work and then you have to put up with this happening. Its not the fact they are controling the foxes but it is a real worry safety wise. As always if any neighbours complain about people shooting at night its the legitimate people that get the blame and suffer the consequences of the unlawful minority. I recall an incident last summer where i was parked up at the side of our game cover on the opposite side of field to the main pheasant pen waiting to ambush any foxes that were on route. A large fox appeared in the middle of the field and i was watching it through the night vision binoculars waiting for it to get into a safe position to shoot at it. The next thing I know there is a lamp on the fox and someone is trying to shoot it from the main road. They hadn't counted on me being hidden up by the game cover and not wanting to risk being shot i quickly flicked my lamp on them to reveal a pick up truck with guys on the back. The sight of my lamp was enough for them to drive off at high speed and disappear into the night. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Was frightening to say the least.



you might want to look into stealth cameras, I never used it myself but enough info out there that recommended.Hard evidence might be the answer.

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I dont see why there is even a debate about runing dogs on other peoples land with out permission, why isnt it done like shooting where permission is obtained before you go and hunt the land and anyone that says that no one will give permission to hunt dogs this is the exact reason why, I dont see it a big problem if some one goes out poaching to get a few rabbits but judging by a lot of people on here it is a competition of who can get the most rabbits, hares, foxes etc.. which is fine if you have permission but not on some one else's land or permission. (not looking to offend or get in an arguement) :thumbs:

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If the dog is without a person and out of control (i.e - you have TRIED to call it off yourself etc) and killing livestock (not wild game) and you shoot it then fair enough. Any other situation, i.e - there is a person there, its harming game not stock and you dont bother trying to call it off. . . . . . . then your a sick c**t and deserve a lonely life. We have recently here lost 6 sheep and had the rest of the flock run ragged, at night and we know who the dogs belong to etc and have been advised that unless we see it actually pulling down a sheep we cant shoot, even if we find it eating a freshly killed sheep, and even if we shoot it whilst its killing we could still lose licence. Just food for thought.

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  On 18/08/2010 at 22:30, CarraghsGem said:
  On 18/08/2010 at 22:26, scothunter said:
  On 18/08/2010 at 20:14, Blacksheep said:
  On 18/08/2010 at 19:46, Hoolit said:

I saw this post a while back and thought christ that is bloody dangerous then last week i was lamping a side of the hill for foxes when i spotted a car load of guys with lamp and lurchers ,having not seen any deer in four weeks i thought that the place was targeted by poachers they left after seeing my lamp on them.

Then three nights later in a differant field was I sitting in the dark when along came a van with the drivers arm out the window lamp in hand lamping the fields to my left again i put the lamp on them and they were gone in minutes .

Now after reporting this to the police i thought I might get some help as i am single handed and up to my arse in birds ,foxes but alas no deer.

I have been out every night for the last two weeks and never seen any sign of the police .

I have seen the poachers back on two nights but have been lucky that they leave on seeing my lamp .i cant keep this up much longer as i have to get a couple of nights sleep .

My partner is worried in case I try to tackle them on my own then find out where the house is (the house is fairly isolated although gaurded by a ugly old hound that puts the fear of christ in me some nights.





Just out of interest , (hyperthetically speaking)

if you were to witness 2 blokes lamping with a lurcher running through stock

without permission and you shot the dog , where would you stand legally ?


dunno about the legality of it,but you wouldnt be standing long if you shot any dog of mine


shoot my dog + you would have to be prepared to shoot me.

cause if not id take the gun off you and shoot you with it. law or no law.


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Another idea that could also be quite fun: get an old rangie or disco then put massive bull/nudge bars on it and other stuff, then find them out poaching and start ramming their car untill its a complete write off, see how long they keep coming back for :laugh::laugh:

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there is some bad eggs in poaching, killing sheep is terrible. driving over crops, no wonder your all pissed off, But what about the poor old lurcher man who loves his dog and lamps a few rabbits and bag the odd hare. it wouldnt be fair if he got caught up in the ramming of his car, or shooting off his dog. in my day 25 yrs ago, things like this didnt happen to much. We had respect for the countryside, we used it.

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  On 17/12/2010 at 01:00, Roebuck Rod said:

there is some bad eggs in poaching, killing sheep is terrible. driving over crops, no wonder your all pissed off, But what about the poor old lurcher man who loves his dog and lamps a few rabbits and bag the odd hare. it wouldnt be fair if he got caught up in the ramming of his car, or shooting off his dog. in my day 25 yrs ago, things like this didnt happen to much. We had respect for the countryside, we used it.



Thats exactly what people are saying that they dont mind poachers taking a few and not making a mess but it's just the ones that ruin it all that are the idiots :thumbs:

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  On 11/07/2010 at 12:58, verminator1977 said:

I run a small walked up shoot on the outskirts of Canterbury. We put down approx 250 pheasants and 200 partridges on a mixture of cover crops and marsh land and the odd bit of wood. In the last couple of years the number of foxes has tried to creep up, but we are doing our best to keep these numbers under control.

However we now have a problem with unwanted shooters lamping our fields at night and shooting foxes, hares from the roads around the boundaries of the shoot. Does anyone have any ideas about how to stop this? I have tried speaking to police about this but they dont seem that interested. I think it would be useful to set up a forum on here that you could list vehicle registrations of people who are seen shooting where they shouldn't be and dates and times of these incidents. Then hopefully if we get enough imformation and evidence about the same people then the police might take notice.Its frustrating when you put all the hard work in to run a shoot and make it work and then you have to put up with this happening. Its not the fact they are controling the foxes but it is a real worry safety wise. As always if any neighbours complain about people shooting at night its the legitimate people that get the blame and suffer the consequences of the unlawful minority. I recall an incident last summer where i was parked up at the side of our game cover on the opposite side of field to the main pheasant pen waiting to ambush any foxes that were on route. A large fox appeared in the middle of the field and i was watching it through the night vision binoculars waiting for it to get into a safe position to shoot at it. The next thing I know there is a lamp on the fox and someone is trying to shoot it from the main road. They hadn't counted on me being hidden up by the game cover and not wanting to risk being shot i quickly flicked my lamp on them to reveal a pick up truck with guys on the back. The sight of my lamp was enough for them to drive off at high speed and disappear into the night. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Was frightening to say the least.

the police SHOULD be interested in what is technically ARMED TRESPASS......i would get some cameras up, some patrols and get their details and get the police there. Anything that involves a gun and the police are very keen to pile in

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 19/08/2010 at 08:15, scothunter said:

wasnt trying to make myself something special as you put it.however seeing as you brought it up they would need to be something special if they shot my dog.as arrogant as this may sound id batter the c**t into paraylisis.


Sounds like he would have good reason to shoot you. In that situation I would shoot the dog and if the poaching scum didn't f**k o** a few warning shots might make them reconsider. If that wouldnt change your mind then you might find it difficult to batter someone into paralysis with a bullet in your leg.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot believe some of the shit people are putting on this thread, do you realise that if any of these 'hypertheticals' were to happen and this thread was found it could be used to show premeditiation on your part!


I know I am new to this site and have by no means established myself but as far as I'm concerned if you are poacahing your a thief, end of story. If you are responsible and have a genuine reason to use land, ASK, if the owner / manager says no then respect that and move on, its their property and their choice. I live on the London/Essex boarders and finding land to shoot on is harder than finding rocking-horse shit. After 2 years of graft all I have to show for it is 7 acres, and that is all I shoot on unless guesting with someone who has permission elseware. When on the ground I wouldn't take a shot if the quarry was even 6" on the other side of the boarder, theres no was i would risk my licence and my liberty for the sake of a +1 in my bag.


Poachers are part of the reason its so damn hard to get land signed of and ruin it for all the genuine shooters, but talking about shooting them / ramming their vehicles etc only reinforces the deomonized image of shooters those ignorant to the sport have.


Rant over! :icon_redface::big_boss:

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Guest the hunter  26

goin 2the police an take regs ov jeeps an cars will do f**k all mate am one ov them people that road side hunt an walk your land were i cum from ther is a name 4 people like u ha ha keep huntin keep smashin anyin that moves

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wait till your on the land and you see lamps, you are there with very good reason they are not... ring the cops quickly and say you shone a light to deter them and you heard a shot in your direction... they will be very very interested then, helicopters,ARU the works. the bang could of been anything, but in your mind you felt like you were being shot at and did the most sensible thing.

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