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out for a walk

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Well after dinner i decided stuff it i am going to go a walk to my local permission that only takes 10 mins and when i walked around i seen a small bunny sitting outside some gorse bushes so i slowly lifted the gun as there was three of them but two ran when they seen me, i didn't expect to see any there as never seen them there before. took aim and smack got the little cotton tail, he just rolled over with out as much as a kick.


then as i was walking up to the farm i spotted another one grazing in the field next to the barn he ran into the stone dyke was so i walked round and waited to see if he would come out to play, with me on the other side of the dyke he must have thought all was safe...silly bunny, took aim and smack two in the bag.


so now i felt i needed a crap and was just about to do it in the field when i felt it start to rain so decided tho call it a day and go home to the comfort of my own toilet.

glad i did as soon as i got in there was a heavy shower, and i only had a T-shirt on the top half of me.

Edited by wullieh
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Whats a slut apart fae the type you can pick up on a sat night ?


A Slut point is a reputation point :11:


Trust me, its good to be a slut :yes: with a massive 'Reputation'

I think Stealthy is probably the biggest slut here, but I'm trying like mad to de-throne the old slapper :laugh:



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Whats a slut apart fae the type you can pick up on a sat night ?


A Slut point is a reputation point :11:


Trust me, its good to be a slut :yes: with a massive 'Reputation'

I think Stealthy is probably the biggest slut here, but I'm trying like mad to de-throne the old slapper :laugh:



how do you give them ? and see how many you got?

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To give them to people down at the bottom of the post there is a little + sign in a green circle, click that and it awards a rep point to the author of that post.

Sadly you cant give em to yourself or to the mods, but we all know their a bunch of tarts anyway so they don't need slut points :tongue2:


Aint that right mods?


To check how many you have, go to your page and erm.....


Oh I'll check




Well you young whipper slapper, you got 9 already :notworthy:



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