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Making nets

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Alright guys,having watching The Big Fishes video I decided to buy a net making kit from JBS Nets,after ALOT of practice and sore blistered fingers Ive cracked it :toast: .So how many to start and what size 3foot6 or 4feet?

Thanks in advance Seany! :thumbs:

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i make them all sizes.. because no holes are exacly the same size


i make 3ft 3ft6




the 3ft and 3ft6 i normally use on banks

and the bigger 1s are good on ground burrys when a few holes are close together


are you making shaped nets ??


i put 10 on the ring

increse till i get to 17 add another row of 17 then decrease till i have 10 on the other ring



regards :thumbs:

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Firstly well done mate for having a go at making your own nets the sore fingers get used to it the more you do it

We make all our own nets 4ft long and always in canary yellow/white or daglo yellow polyester fits almost any hole lasts for years

and easy to see so you dont tend to loose many

good luck with your new nets next season there is no better self satisfaction than catching rabbits in nets you made yourself

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Firstly well done mate for having a go at making your own nets the sore fingers get used to it the more you do it

We make all our own nets 4ft long and always in canary yellow/white or daglo yellow polyester fits almost any hole lasts for years

and easy to see so you dont tend to loose many

good luck with your new nets next season there is no better self satisfaction than catching rabbits in nets you made yourself

I must admit ive enjoyed it,the most frustrating thing is when my missus asks me have i put all my clothes in the wash and then I forget where I am on the first ring and do two fronts or two backs then on the second row a loop drops :icon_redface: how long does it take you lot start to finish Im doing one in about two hours :thumbs:

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Depends how im feeling normaly takes me all day to make one because i do a couple of rows then do something else for

a while then come back to it again im not in any hurry although i can make a net in about an hour if i need to but as said

before 1 net a day gives me about 30 nets a month we already have about 300 nets so im in no hurry we have got plenty to be getting on

with at the moment keep up the net making mate and happy hunting with the new nets

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Depends how im feeling normaly takes me all day to make one because i do a couple of rows then do something else for

a while then come back to it again im not in any hurry although i can make a net in about an hour if i need to but as said

before 1 net a day gives me about 30 nets a month we already have about 300 nets so im in no hurry we have got plenty to be getting on

with at the moment keep up the net making mate and happy hunting with the new nets

300! :icon_eek: Id better get busy then :D

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Thanks for the advise chaps could you tell me what pegs are best(I was thinking hardwood)and where's the best place to buy from is, or could i make my own? :thumbs:

Why not make yore own pegs mate just find a desent hardwood tree n take a branch chop it in to pegs drill holes in quite simmple and very cheep


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