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a couple of shot hares

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i think the difference is, that as opposed to rabbits that ( as myxy proved,) cannot be destroyed to extinction, in certain areas, hares most definitely can. where i am in kent in most rural parts se

Hares were born to run - longdogs were bred to chase them ! If id been part of that id feel disgusted with myself .

Most times i would never have a go at another mans sport.But that,s overkill.    

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wat a waste that is hares are rare as it is if that was rabbits then i wouldnt have a problem and £4.50 a pop is the exact reason you have been so greedy thats not sport thats wat i call making money greedly

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i cant remember me saying i shot them but i will take the credit for them if you want as im not that good shot lol


stop crying about a few hares that are obviously a pest in them numbers .

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  On 08/07/2010 at 22:02, AlfieR said:

wat a waste that is hares are rare as it is if that was rabbits then i wouldnt have a problem and £4.50 a pop is the exact reason you have been so greedy thats not sport thats wat i call making money greedly



and i dont remember seeing hares on the endangered list. once again the dogmen think hares belong to them even tho they have no legal right to them .


this has obviously been done for control and not sport

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quit with the stupid anti comments ffs . 1 hare eats as much as 4 rabbits .


instead of reading PETA mags you should get out there and see what really happens in the countryside just like it has for f*****g years and the poor hare is still here.

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i think the difference is, that as opposed to rabbits that ( as myxy proved,) cannot be destroyed to extinction, in certain areas, hares most definitely can. where i am in kent in most rural parts seeing a hare is a talking point, we won't shoot them on principal. trying to bring the numbers up. I know more towards the coastal country in kent there are significant amounts of hares. so I am just talking about where i shoot.

The running dog men will also, no doubt, feel the sting of injustice, that you or I (or anyone) can slaughter hares with a 12g if they want, or hawk them,kill them at long distance with a rimfire, but they can not pursue that nobelest of quarry with the dogs that are designed to give fair chase. the hare is not just a pest to be burnt and harried from the land, but noble game. to rub salt in the wounds of running dog men with a picture of such wholesale slaughter is inviting anger. I just hope you can see it from their perspective.


that said this being hunting life some one will disagree and give me a slating.


all the best,



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of course i can see it from there point of view but at the end of the day this is a legit/ legal pic and none of that pre ban bollox.


i can understand what your saying and ive lived in parts of the country where they are left alone but in other areas they are a problem and they are dealt with in a legal manner.


i like seeing dogs run them , not for me mind but i can see all forms of fieldsport / control methods even if i dont do all of them my self ie: falconry and snares but you have to respect what they do in there chosen sport.


right it's late and im off to shoot a unicorn .







preban pic



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