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just had my FAC visit

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well I felt like I was waiting on a job interview, butterflies and everything, but need'nt have worried, everything seemed to run smoothly, now just got to play the waiting game on the postal service :clapper:

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Well the FLO has been today had a look at me cabinats and the like,as he left he said the FAC will be in the post in the next 2 weeks :boogie::boogie::notworthy: .Buzzing to say the least :laugh:


the waiting is worst than the visit mate, as a night worker I normally sleep from around 5am till noon, since my visit, Ive been waking up just after ten, like a kid hoping for birthday cards to come :icon_redface:

its doing my head in,

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the waiting is worst than the visit mate, as a night worker I normally sleep from around 5am till noon, since my visit, Ive been waking up just after ten, like a kid hoping for birthday cards to come :icon_redface:

its doing my head in,


:laugh: When I was Still in school, second year I think? I would call my mum nearly everyday at lunch to see if my SGC had arrived :icon_redface: . Got home one day thinking I would never see the bloody thing and there it was on the kitchen table :gunsmilie: . The amount of emotions you get from a bloody bit of paper eh? :laugh:


P.s Hope it come quick! :D


All The Best

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the waiting is worst than the visit mate, as a night worker I normally sleep from around 5am till noon, since my visit, Ive been waking up just after ten, like a kid hoping for birthday cards to come :icon_redface:

its doing my head in,


Thanks for that STUBBY you have cheered me up i must say :laugh: its been a long enough wait as it is these 2 weeks or so will drag :laugh:

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What is the visit for you that guys have? Any licensed firearm at all?


It's for the certificate rather than each individual gun. YOu get a visit when you apply and every five years on renewal. It's so they can check your security mostly but also so they can judge whether you are person who's "fit to be entrusted" with a firearm.



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