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hi ya andy

yeah it has with me as well the .20 was and is the best of both worlds but limited on pellet types they just never seemed to take off as well as the 177 or 22 as for the .25 springers as well they are a very good at short range knock downs but that was it were the .20 was good all round gun i got mine after watching a fred carter dvd as i liked the look of the gun so i went for that and wow it was great i had a few faults at the time but they sorted that and she ran sweet i was gutted when i had to sell up a couple of years ago now. :thumbs:



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tell me about it mate, just been chatting to si and its just making me want it more... still, the rapids shooting a treat at the mo so i can console meself with that i guess!!

all the best, wurz

hi ya wurz missed ya post :icon_eek:

the rapids are a cracking gun though my .20 was the dog's buddy

but it wont be long till you get her matey then you will see why mine aint going anywhere :thumbs:





Nice one, Shay!!


I was going to ask you if you'd tried .20 but you've just said....


I'm a big fan of .20, it's got a lot going for it IMHO.


Cheers. :thumbs:


yeah, i love .20, but as you say shay, its a shame pellet choice is so limited. typically, my rapid loves crossman premier(but theyre proper dear to buy) or logun penetrators, and they've stopped making em now, although my local rfd saved a case for me cos he's a good fella like that, so the move to .22's gonna be the way forward for me as i couldnt get on with .177 when i got the R10-mind you that was probably down to me not being quite so handy as i thought i'd be after my 20 year lay off from shooting. funny thing was tho, as soon as i got the rapid it just felt like i'd had a week off rather than years. :clapper:


only 8 sleeps to the darkside!!!

cheers, wurz

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tell me about it mate, just been chatting to si and its just making me want it more... still, the rapids shooting a treat at the mo so i can console meself with that i guess!!

all the best, wurz

hi ya wurz missed ya post :icon_eek:

the rapids are a cracking gun though my .20 was the dog's buddy

but it wont be long till you get her matey then you will see why mine aint going anywhere :thumbs:





Nice one, Shay!!


I was going to ask you if you'd tried .20 but you've just said....


I'm a big fan of .20, it's got a lot going for it IMHO.


Cheers. :thumbs:


yeah, i love .20, but as you say shay, its a shame pellet choice is so limited. typically, my rapid loves crossman premier(but theyre proper dear to buy) or logun penetrators, and they've stopped making em now, although my local rfd saved a case for me cos he's a good fella like that, so the move to .22's gonna be the way forward for me as i couldnt get on with .177 when i got the R10-mind you that was probably down to me not being quite so handy as i thought i'd be after my 20 year lay off from shooting. funny thing was tho, as soon as i got the rapid it just felt like i'd had a week off rather than years. :clapper:


only 8 sleeps to the darkside!!!

cheers, wurz

hi ya wurz

very true i still have .20 pellets here i was looking through my gunbox and i still have some


do you need a drink now :drink:



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Great write up there Shay buddy pal.


Take a slut point pal for a great rifle , great photos and you being a top bloke mate.



hi ya si

thank you kind sir for the nice words

i hope all is well and i am liking the new look r10

and NO if anyone ask's im sticking to me hw100kt thank you but the gun looks great si adi did a great job on it :thumbs:



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tell me about it mate, just been chatting to si and its just making me want it more... still, the rapids shooting a treat at the mo so i can console meself with that i guess!!

all the best, wurz

hi ya wurz missed ya post :icon_eek:

the rapids are a cracking gun though my .20 was the dog's buddy

but it wont be long till you get her matey then you will see why mine aint going anywhere :thumbs:





Nice one, Shay!!


I was going to ask you if you'd tried .20 but you've just said....


I'm a big fan of .20, it's got a lot going for it IMHO.


Cheers. :thumbs:


yeah, i love .20, but as you say shay, its a shame pellet choice is so limited. typically, my rapid loves crossman premier(but theyre proper dear to buy) or logun penetrators, and they've stopped making em now, although my local rfd saved a case for me cos he's a good fella like that, so the move to .22's gonna be the way forward for me as i couldnt get on with .177 when i got the R10-mind you that was probably down to me not being quite so handy as i thought i'd be after my 20 year lay off from shooting. funny thing was tho, as soon as i got the rapid it just felt like i'd had a week off rather than years. :clapper:


only 8 sleeps to the darkside!!!

cheers, wurz

hi ya wurz

very true i still have .20 pellets here i was looking through my gunbox and i still have some


do you need a drink now :drink:






shay you're an evil man... definitely the 17th, and definitely 6 MORE SLEEPS!!!! :boogie:



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