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I took two ferrets into my vets in early march to get a vasectomey done, the ferrets belonged to my friends and one told me he has now got 16 kits out off two jills he put with wount be a problem getting them homes as they will prob be dark polecats, but spoke to the vet today and it is booked back in for next week to get done again this time they will remove an extra part of the tube to make sure it works, the vet when contacted offered straight away to do the operation again or a full refund. this i thought ws very nice of him as some will just say you signed a disclaimer.

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Id the same problem but with five jills they redid the operation and offered me a free postcard in the window instead of paying a pound a week for it ,i said you can have 50 kitts free of charge then and then they offer to send the snipped bit off to check they have done the operation right for another £55

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I took two ferrets into my vets in early march to get a vasectomey done, the ferrets belonged to my friends and one told me he has now got 16 kits out off two jills he put with wount be a problem getting them homes as they will prob be dark polecats, but spoke to the vet today and it is booked back in for next week to get done again this time they will remove an extra part of the tube to make sure it works, the vet when contacted offered straight away to do the operation again or a full refund. this i thought ws very nice of him as some will just say you signed a disclaimer.


YUp this happened to me too. Vet tried to recharge for op........ obviously told him not likely ! Then when mrs wet to get dog pts :( intears she was, the cheeky fuckers wouldnt do it until she paid them !!!!!! I complained and have written a complaint to BVRS, not expecting a reply though

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