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Tench on a borrowed rod .

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This post could be subtitled "Numpty angler gets lucky after duff Cast ".


Very rarely do I catch a fish worth showing off about . When it comes to angling I'm probably best described as a keen and experienced enthusiast rather than skilled .

Just recieved the picture my mate took of the tench I caught yesterday . I noticed his car parked up as I came home from a job and eventually found him on the bank . He'd had a few tench and as I was in no hurry I popped out his spare rod with a bunch of rather sickly looking worms as bait while we chatted . Strange rod and not quite used to the reel (my excuse :whistling: )I fluffed the cast and the bait fell well short of the lilies I was aiming for but before I could try again the rod just went over . The result was this tench . No idea how big but a lot bigger than my previous best of 4 and a half . Possibly 5 or six pounds ?

post-13773-024482500 1278445435_thumb.jpg

Just goes to show that luck and a bunch of worms still have a part to play.


Thank God or I'd never catch anything ! :D

Edited by comanche
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