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at one time i didnt think moderators were worth the money until a shooter i know showed me the result of having one fitted to his 243 & the difference from having & not having was very good, that was it i purchaced a t-8 and had it fitted to my 223 by a competent gunsmith although it was a little expensive it was well worth the money , would recomend one to you ,but get it fitted by a good gunsmith

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'IRISHLURCHER you should definately have the 't8 on when zeoring in as fitting any moderator will change the point of impact.if the mod has been fitted correctly you should find it easier to group with your gun [reduced muzzle flip etc] if in doubt have a good gunsmith check things over for you ; threading on barrel ; crown etc also try checking the barrel is still floating as a mod can sometime cause the barrl to touch the stock ; hope this helps you. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''goodluck :D let us know how you get on

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