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Just notice my barrel was bent!!!!

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Well I was just topping up the tank for some targets and as I was giving the gun an inspection pre shoot I saw with horror that the rifle barrel wasnt lined up central on the body of the gun :icon_eek: Now I dont know how this has happened as Im pretty carefull etc etc, but I had to undo the 2 allen screw bolts on the barrel fig of 8 shaped bracket, they werent overtight, and then let the barrel release back to its normal position, it must have been twisted over to the left by about 8-10mm!!!!!!.


Im wondering if it wasnt fully tight when it left the factory and that the fig 8 bracket has slowly crept over on replacing and tightening the refill screw on cover after many refills... what do you reckon?


The problem now is I have no real way of checking if the barrel is perfectly aligned in relation to the scope rail!

What do you think guys n gals? send it back to airarms or take it to local gunsmiths, Or get down the range and put a load of slugs through at different ranges to see if theres any crossover?


Im quiet pissed off to be truthful as the rifle is only a month or so old and has been treated with the utmost respect and its definately not user error.


Your thoughts appreciated.



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1st things first :yes:


Get down the range begin at 15 to 20 yards.

Test it from the bench, not freehand. If every thing is fine from there you shouldn't have any problems.


Zero as normal :yes: then let us know how you get on Mark.



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Hi. This has happened to me with my raider 10 and the best solution i found was what you have listed above, zero in at about 20 yards then try shooting at 10 and 40 yards if there is any crossover worth worrying about you should notice it.



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All is well :) spent about 3hrs at the range and zero was no problem, nor was crossover, so Im happy about that.


Zerod at 45m and managed to get 1.5" ish groupings, there was a breeze all day that was hard to compensate for, and I had the odd flyer too. Even managed to get consistent hits of a 3" tin at 80 yds :)


Square boxes are 1.5" and the inner diamonds are 1". AA diablo field .22 16gr.

post-50435-095370800 1278521213_thumb.jpg

Edited by markha
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hi marka

thats better now! all i can say is thank air arms for that barrel band!

it has happend to me before and i just loosened the screws and it twanged back in line :thumbs:

a couple of clicks and i was back on zero!!


you want to be zeroing at 30yds .22 35yds .177 :thumbs:


nice groupings buddy :thumbs:





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Thanks Davey, I was a bit disapointed, after all Ive only been on the darkside for a month now and was expecting very tight shots, better than above, there were some pellet on pellet.

I did notice that the gun likes a firm grip and the shots pull in tighter.


On a different note I was thinking of getting in to hunter field target, and you know what, theres no clubs listed in North Wales at all.... think I may be off to try and rent some land and set a course up and try to make a small profit :)

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