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worst injury when out lamping

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years ago we was running some terriers down some old train lines ,i was walking backwards and didnt see a big man hole with no cover on about 10 ft deep covered with brambles ,i fell backwards down th

my mate we name plant pot we were out lamping and the daf tit walked in 2 a electric fence which was at head hight and zapped him across the nose which put him on is back as well as landing on his dog it was pissin down and cake in mud and never stopped whingin thats why we call him the plantpot

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out lamping when herd of beast came running after the dogs had dog on the lead when one came running towards me it tried to stop but slipped in the mud makeing it slip into me knocked me into next week couldnt breath or f**k all thought it had bust my ribs worst thing why im gasping for help my mates are laughing there heads off luckily just badly winded but at time thought was going be a lot worse weary as f**k of cows n beast now atb biza

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normal stuff for me , falling into rivers etc.. but me and a pal had a good un a few years back over near pansanger , we was getting over a turnstyle and bits of wood start exploding about a metre away from us ...... im glad that keeper was a good shot :icon_redface::gunsmilie:


after that i heard he had a bad year with his birds :whistling:


oh and the broken jaw by a not so friendly farmer ..............

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luck with the cow mate could of bin a very bad night for you... keep them comeing people love reading stuff like this its funny how many diffrent injurys you can get when out lamping.. atb :thumbs:

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The worst 'pride denter',(fecking hurt too!), was getting leathered round the head (several times!), by a rabbit i'd handed 'back' to a keeper after getting caught age 14. :icon_redface:


The same 'helmet' of a keeper fired a 'warning' shot at me one night, some years later. My right shoulder got the message and never wanted to go back there again!!! (The rest of me did however, :ninja: and revenge IS sweet 8)8) !!!)


Bout three years back, Timmyk's mutt took a sharp right on the back of a bunny, the young bitch I was holding had twisted round the back of my legs and i was unable to get out of the way, Tim's dog hit me like a fecking train and I did a nice tripple salco! Had a lump the size of an egg on my shin for about 4 months, now that did smart! :cry:


Took an idiot out foxing, preban. In a bit of a 'hot spot', dogs (2) run a fox down a path and this dick runs full pelt with lamp after 'em, he's out of sight and the dogs put the fox into a small shrubbery with a wall behind it. He gets up to it and lamps in.... Fox out, dog out, dick turns to lamp the chase. Second dog darts out, right into the back of our 'friend', who does another 'tripple' and smashes his bonce on the concrete :wacko: . Head broke like an egg, claret everywhere, frantic drive to an A&E, long unconvincing 'explination' to the boys in blue and he had a nice two month stay curtesy of Nye Bevan! :black eye:

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My mate was fatalliy injured once while lamping luckily hes ok now


Just out of interest how can someone be fatally injured and then be ok?unsure.gif


cheers Callum

think he was joking!


Oh well i got one to fall for it :thumbs:

Edited by christian71
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thanks for them bosun11 ive hade a dog run in to me full speed but not lamping just on the green where i walk mine my mates dog knocked me f**k flying when i hit the floor i could not get my breath for bout 5mins that shit me up lol :thumbs:

Edited by minzy
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My mate was fatalliy injured once while lamping luckily hes ok now


Just out of interest how can someone be fatally injured and then be ok?unsure.gif


cheers Callum

think he was joking!


Oh well i got one to fall for it :thumbs:


Just making sure you knew what the word fatal meant!

Can't have us looking like idiots to any antis on a public forum now can we?thumbs.gif


cheers Callum







Edited by mangy1983
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i once stood on a plank of wood with two nails in it side by side,one of the tops of the nails was bent at a right angle. my reaction was to lift my foot up fast and the wood span round and so did the nails in my foot so i couldent get them back out my foot. my brother had to stamp on the plank to get them out of me :cry: :sick: that hurt!! my foot balooned and was in hospital. walked funny for a few months.


not shooting related but when i was a lad i was digging the garden up went the fork and down right through my left foot.

a few weeks later done the same again through the same hole.



Edited by airarmstx200
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i once stood on a plank of wood with two nails in it side by side,one of the tops of the nails was bent at a right angle. my reaction was to lift my foot up fast and the wood span round and so did the nails in my foot so i couldent get them back out my foot. my brother had to stamp on the plank to get them out of me :cry: :sick: that hurt!! my foot balooned and was in hospital. walked funny for a few months.


not shooting related but when i was a lad i was digging the garden up went the fork and down right through my left foot.

a few weeks later done the same again through the same hole.





The moral of the story dont dig the garden up!

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