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A chance to have your say

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The following is an email from another fourm, I am sure they would love us all to join in the debate. Hop on and don't be shy chaps gunsmilie.gif


The site in question proclaims "The Coalition Government is committed to restoring and defending your freedom – and we're asking you to participate".


After many suitable entries being closed due to a large number of duplicates, we are calling all forum members to vote 5* for the popular entry below.


- Ban of semi automatic firearms and pistols




Our aim is to get this onto the 1st page of 'Ideas with most comments', so remember to leave a comment in support.



This link will display all firearms related entries. Below are important picks:





- Repeal the five year mandatory minimum sentence for firearms possession -




- Restoration of Gun Rights -




- Right to keep and Bear Arms -





We encourage everyone to participate. It will only take a minute of your time.


Edited by firepower
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'Kin brilliant. 12 people just been murdered by a nutter in Cumbria and clowns like you are demanding liberalisation of gun laws. With friends like you shooters don't need enemies.


To the sane majority of shooters, this is a good time to keep our heads down and our MOUTHS SHUT. Await the report and then comment.



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  On 05/07/2010 at 16:58, RicW said:

'Kin brilliant. 12 people just been murdered by a nutter in Cumbria and clowns like you are demanding liberalisation of gun laws. With friends like you shooters don't need enemies.


To the sane majority of shooters, this is a good time to keep our heads down and our MOUTHS SHUT. Await the report and then comment.



Sorry to rain on your parade Ric but I am a sane shooter. I have seen legislation that makes no difference to the criminal use of firearms foisted upon us for decades. It is your attitude that allows draconian laws to be passed. "Lets keep our heads down" is not the way forward. We shoot for a living and perform a great service to the economy, without us the food bill for the average person would increase because of damage by vermin. The antis have no concept of how this works in the real world as their food apparently comes in cling film wrappers. Keeping your mouth shut will invite the more than vocal opponents of shooting in general to press on and get all shotguns and firearms banned or put into the hands of the authorities where you have to go to the local police station to book out your shotgun to go pigeon shooting. I learned as an only child that you ask for more than you want and then settle for exactly what you wanted in the first place. With friends like you shooting as we know it may well be doomed. The report will be written by the ACPO, an unelected body of the great and good who are anti ownership. Their view, generally, is that firearms are bad unless they are in the hands of the police who are unable to police the country effectively. The last time we kept our heads down our rights were steamrollered.Cumbria was a tragedy of epic proportions there is no doubt about that. A legal firearm being used to kill innocent humans is a truly shocking event but no reason to start hiding behind closed doors and hoping that common sense will prevail because sense gets booted out of the door when the media are involved. If I am a "tit" then so be it but I am a tit with open eyes.
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Is my opinion,not to wait until government change rules, have the rules changed to suit the voter 1st. This way is easier & more amicable, it also save confuse on peoples to laws. :thumbs:


A thing to help shooter/hunter in this country is bonus. No wait till too late ! :no: Then is big problem for all. :yes:

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I have to agree with firepower, all that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing, and all that is necessary for guns to be banned is for us law abiding shooters to "keep our heads down".


If anything, times like this, after terrible occurences like Cumbria, and the current events on Tyneside, are exactly the times when the safe, legal use of firearms needs to be firmly bought to the publics attention. If all they ever see is the bad stuff, and we don't promote our causes as vigorously and vocally as the anti's, then shooting for the general population is doomed!


The anti's will not hesitate to jump all over the tragedies, so we shooters, and indeed anyone interested in any form of country sports, need to stick together and make our case vocally and passionately.


The coalition government has offered this opportunity to put forward our views, and it should be siezed with both hands! The countryside community needs to work together to raise the profile of legal activities that are threatened by ignorance and apathy!

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The last thing I want to have happen here is a falling out between Firepower and me. We're on the same side FFS! But look at what happened after Dunblane. The Government were not planning to ban private ownership of handguns, but there was a massive public outcry. Fuelled by ignorance? Yup. Fired up by the red-tops? Bet yer ass. My point here is that we should keep schtum for a while. The government has bigger issues to worry about but if we start kicking up now we risk getting the wrong publicity at the wrong time. Let them announce that the existing rules will be applied more rigorously and let it go at that for now. Later on in the Parliamentary term let's by all means start lobbying for some easing on the rules. But right now we are vulnerable so let's keep our heads down.


And whatever happens we're all shooters so if need be let's agree to differ, OK?


ATB y'all.



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  On 06/07/2010 at 17:29, RicW said:
<br>The last thing I want to have happen here is a falling out between Firepower and me. We're on the same side FFS! But look at what happened after Dunblane. The Government were not planning to ban private ownership of handguns, but there was a massive public outcry. Fuelled by ignorance? Yup. Fired up by the red-tops? Bet yer ass. My point here is that we should keep schtum for a while. The government has bigger issues to worry about but if we start kicking up now we risk getting the wrong publicity at the wrong time. Let them announce that the existing rules will be applied more rigorously and let it go at that for now. Later on in the Parliamentary term let's by all means start lobbying for some easing on the rules. But right now we are vulnerable so let's keep our heads down.<br><br>And whatever happens we're all shooters so if need be let's agree to differ, OK
I have no intention of falling out with you mate we are indeed kindred spirits and there will always be room for differing opinions in any debate amongst peers, that is what a debate should be. What I don't want to see I yet another media / anti head start on a debate that will affect us as shooters. There is an old saying that is very true, "Action is always faster than reaction" and I subscribe to that point of view. When you are vulnerable you should take the fear and put it to one side while you pursue your objectives. I do see your point of view and can see exactly where you are coming from though and believe that you may have a valid point on the timing. clapper.gif Edited by firepower
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I tend to agree with RicW here, keep quiet for a while. Hot on the heels of Cumbria, we now have a man running round Northumberland,already killed one and wounded two. Seems determined to shoot at police until they take him out, or death by cop as it's called.

Locally, we had a gun club member call a taxi to a deserted railway station, then shoot the poor driver. The court decided he just wanted to see someone shot to death! There may well be repercussions coming, from all this unwanted negative publicity, and we should be ready, but active campaigning right now could be very counter productive.

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imho this is the time for OUR organisations to be pulling out their proverbial fingers and getting some positive press,educating people,and creating a lobby for the LEGAL owners of firearms and not sitting it out in the hope that "nothing bad happens".


i see the point of keeping a low profile but when is the right time to make ourselves heard? when a ban is in motion? NO.

i find the reluctance of the organisations to get involved sickening tbh.


at least the current headcase is not a legitimate fac holder.



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I don't see it as "hoping nothing bad happens" and I agree that we need to be pro-active not just reactive. I just think that we should play it cool for a while.


I saw on the box today that Northumbria police have 40 firearms officers on the case and have - get this people - 20 armoured vehicles borrowed from Ulster. Yer Wha'? This nutter has 2 double barrel shotguns and the fuzz are making like WW3 just started. How many stalkers are there on here who could track him down and pick him off with a .243?


Ah well.



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  On 07/07/2010 at 15:24, waidmann said:

imho this is the time for OUR organisations to be pulling out their proverbial fingers and getting some positive press,educating people,and creating a lobby for the LEGAL owners of firearms and not sitting it out in the hope that "nothing bad happens".


i see the point of keeping a low profile but when is the right time to make ourselves heard? when a ban is in motion? NO.

i find the reluctance of the organisations to get involved sickening tbh.


at least the current headcase is not a legitimate fac holder.




:thumbs: Support BASC they support us , they very active.

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