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Cheapo filters for for Surefire Torches

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I was in Hull the other day, gone to pay in some brass so I could order my LRF <BIG GRIN>


After a few very forcefull words with the morons who buggered up my phone instead of unlocking it, I went to the bank etc then had a slow wander around the shops.


I called in at a place called "Home Bargains" (there are a couple of these in Hull) and took a wander around their hardware and camping area.

As I was looking, I came across a couple of HDMI cables for £2.99 :icon_eek: so I grabbed em, twas only a month ago that I had gotten one and it cost £15.99 for one!


I also found a little AAA tripple cell LED torch from Duracell, Now I wasn't expecting it to be the best torch in the world but what caught my eye was the fact that this one came with two coloured filters, Red & Blue. they were around an inch in diameter and I thought, for £2.99 even if the torch was crap, the filters would fir my Surefire, or easily adapted to fit :yes:


I'd been looking at filters for the Cree LED lamps on ebay and had found some for about £15 inc p&p


When I got home, I fitted the Filters to my Surefire, :( they were a little large. But a few winds around the head of the torch with some electrical tape, (four to be exact) the filters now just clip on :clapper: :clapper:


The light loss is pretty minimal with the Red filter on and I can see this is going to be invaluable to me for lamping :yes:


Nice little bargain thats saved me a small fortune.

So for all you Surefire Ultrafire users out there, keep your eyes open, you may get a decent filter for next to nothing :boogie:



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Nice one.

Home bargains is a great place sometimes.

I had seen that rubber matting stuff, that you can cut to shape and then put on your dash board, parcel shelves etc and it stops things rolling around and flying all over the place when going round bends etc,


I popped in to Home Bargains and they had 2m by 1m lengths of it for £1.99, in Halfords Im sure it was about £10!

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